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  1. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Wow that's awful I'm so sorry. How do you know they are dead? I'm new at this too. But did you open the incubator? Your not supposed to.
  2. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Adorable! Are those BCMs? They look like mine.
  3. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Alright here's some pics of my babies. I've got 30 hatched (one left that appears stuck). 3 probable dead ones (no pip/movement). The chicks are exhausted, there all asleep in the brooder, I hope that's normal. [/IMG][/IMG]
  4. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Yay how cute those are. So out of the 34 that went into Lockdown (started with 36), I have 3 unhatched (probably dead) and 2 still hatching and the other 29 in the brooder. Not bad for my first time hatch and with no fan or turner. I have one though of the two hatching that seems like it might...
  5. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Thanks! Ya the humidity is 80%! There's only a few left unhatched at this point, but there's piles of shell halves so its so hard to see. My brooder is in the garage and dipped to 94° plus the chicks are wet. I want to just grab the shells but the chicks swarmed me and I grabbed only one. I had...
  6. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    OK that one got out. But its chaos in there! Chicks and shells are everywhere and the windows are condensated. I don't want to take them out they're soaking wet but I'm wondering if I can get some shells out? And maybe let out some moisture. The shells all broke neatly in half so its hard to see...
  7. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    4 have hatched now. They're exhausted and pass out like puppies. So I'm hoping not to open til I have to but one kicked it's entire shell onto a pipped egg. The bottom (RIR shell) is completely covering the BCM (darker) egg and then the top landed on that egg covering the pip. Hope it shakes it...
  8. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Omg we have a pip! And I hear chirping all night so no sleep. Every peep I'd jump out of bed to see then had nightmares my nieces and nephews were opening the bator. So exciting. Its my BCM which I heard can have a tough time. Day 19 or 20 I can't figure because they went in the evening of the...
  9. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Oh wow Congrats!
  10. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I know its not the same but I have raised hairless rats and they can get skin issues. They recommend a weekly massage with olive oil.
  11. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I'm on my first hatch and have a dozen Marans. I can see babies inside kind of or at least I hope. I'm on day 15. What did your Marans look like when you candled? I think if mine don't hatch I'm expecting they died during hatching but most of yours seem like they didn't develop?
  12. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Wow so adorable! How long did you wait to move them? All at once? I'm getting so excited.
  13. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I have been trying to stay exactly on 100.5 but it drops to 99.5 in the early morning sometimes or 101.5 at the hottest. It seems like it is actually rarely on 100.5 though. Oh well there's little chicks inside amazingly.
  14. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I'm right there with you. Temp fluctuations, dark eggs, etc has me stressing. Boyfriend is sick of hearing about it. I am afraid to mess with them all and candle each one but I think I will day 14. I'm on day 11. I think mine look farther along than they should. It might be the temp getting too...
  15. Joplus

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I have 3 dozen eggs I put in the incubator on April 6, so due to hatch April 27. I got them locally, one dozen black copper Marans, one dozen Rhode island reds and 1 dozen Buff orphingtons. I really hope they hatch. I haven't had too much trouble so far just a lot of worry and second guessing. I...
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