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  1. Amanda39

    How long does hatching process take?

    About the Brinsea, yes, there are alarms, however, the only time my alarms went off was when we had a power failure. Meaning, the bator never got to hot or cold or the humidity different from my setting. This incubator is extremely reliable! I'm a complete Noob! This was my first time ever...
  2. Amanda39

    How long does hatching process take?

    I'm so sorry to hear about your babies! :( On the other hand, now is your opportunity to get a good reliable incubator. I got this one... It's a bit pricey, but it does EVERYTHING for you. Keeps the heat...
  3. Amanda39

    How long does hatching process take?

    Rural, I have a goose that was due yesterday too. One did hatch yesterday, and this one will hopefully come out tonight. I did something kind of funny, I read somewhere that when the first chick hatches and starts peeping, it stimulates the other babies and they get a peckin at their egg...
  4. Amanda39

    How long does hatching process take?

    I'm sorry your babies didn't make it. This was my first time hatching as well, and I'm shocked that I have 1 duck and 1 goose already. I have a goose waiting to break out right now as well as 2 others that are going on lock down tonight. I lost one 2 days ago though. No clue why? I went to...
  5. Amanda39

    How long does hatching process take?

    See, this is what bothers me. I have been looking for the right answers on humidity from day1! I have asked here(not on this specific thread) I have searched the internet, and I have watched youtube videos. I have not seen the same answer twice! So, if they don't hatch, I can't blame myself as...
  6. Amanda39

    How long does hatching process take?

    Oh, forgot to mention, my temp is 99.6 and humidity at the beginning until day 25 was 65%, now that they are getting ready to hatch, humidity is at 78%
  7. Amanda39

    How long does hatching process take?

    Hi! I'm awaiting my first ever hatch of 1 duck egg and 2 goose eggs. They were all wiggling yesterdat at day 24 in the incubator. Today, the duck egg has internally and externally pipped, however, there has been no change singe this morning, other than wiggling. I'm on pins and nedles and find...
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