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  1. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    I might think that, as Buffs are quite fluffy and they don't seem to be bothered by the cold, but it really doesn't keep it that warm in there, the water still freezes. The Americana coop is just a little portable A frame that is open on one end, those girls stay deep in the coop near the lamp...
  2. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Howdy Strangers! I haven't posted in a while, but I do check in and try to keep up with what's happening here. Hope everyone is enjoying this cool weather . I have a question. We placed a red heat lamp in the Buff's coop, just knocks the chill off, but they seem scared of it or something...
  3. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Good lovely morning to all! Another Busy day and Happy June! Hard to believe the year is almost half gone, seems only yesterday it was Christmas! Congrats Luke that is a beautiful baby! We are looking forward to another grand in about 2 weeks, will be the first boy in our family in 15 years...
  4. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Welcome Jackson County!! Swain County here!someone close to me!!!!! Whoopie!!
  5. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    So I have been taking day about turning my Americana's/ Aracana's EE's and my buffs free range, while I am home. Today I bit the bullet with hubby and GS in the near vicinity I turned them all loose. They are doing great! One of my Buffs, Marigold, follows me like a little pup when I am out...
  6. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    We didn't do allowances either, we heard a speaker once talk about how giving kids money for doing what they should do was encouraging a welfare mentality. My kids picked strawberries for the local farms and mowed and weeded the church flower beds and whatever else they could beg people into...
  7. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    NH, I have to agree with all of the others. My sister informed me that her children were afraid of my husband because he made them do things, like pick up after themselves, and that I was mean because I 'made' my children do chores...laundry, cooking, cleaning etc. I told my children that I...
  8. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    WOW! Brought tears to my eyes to think there still are good parents and this young man has the opportunity to become a responsible and caring adult. This is an awesome testimony.
  9. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Well, I have let my 'babies' out a few evenings now, they love just poking around the yard. Marigold went missing and she had gotten away from the 'flock' and couldn't find her way around a 4 ft fence by our oil drum, so had to pick her up and carry her back around front. Curly Sue is the one...
  10. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Very nice card Hollow, wb ramirez....congrats on all the babies to be atmaclean, I have one hen that lays one that big occasionally, she will just randomly skip a day of laying and the next day this is what I get. This is the only pic I could find on here but she also has laid bigger ones...
  11. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    If my girl turns out broody I may be seeking out some lav. orp eggs. Does anyone have any? I have buff eggs. My buffs are beautiful and if anyone is interested.
  12. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Hi all! Not here much but still here! Pop in and read posts daily, just really busy right now! Now I have a question, I have a hen that I believe is broody, seems to always be on the nest and 'growled' at me when I opened the box to check for eggs yesterday. She has quit laying and the...
  13. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    What do you not thank them for the eggs also? I always thank my girls for the eggs, as well as tell them good morning , good night and 'hey babies' when I go near the pens as they all run to greet me! Oh my, if Fostermom is crazy and Matt is completely loony...what does that make me???
  14. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Well Elvis is offically on his way to a pot, cleaned dressed and pack for camp yesterday (freezer camp that is)! Poor Wendall, he crows and waits for Elvis's answer as they had crowing contests throughout the day. Hope everyone has a great day! Back to lurk now!
  15. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    YEAH!!!! Murphy!!! I am in Bryson City! So nice to see someone else from this end of the state!!! Welcome!
  16. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Really nice catch of that coon. I think something is trying to get into my chickens, too. They are in the coop/run and all in a very large fenced yard with 2 very protective dogs. But the dogs have been pacing the farthest perimeter ...nearest the coops.. and barking all night. Haven't seen...
  17. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Hope the link works! Has anyone seen this? I was in the Hallmark store today and this was just too too cute!
  18. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Yes we lose an hour Ah well, I don't sleep well anyway, so I'm not really losing anything. Went to tend to the coops this morning and Elvis...aka mean rooster, hit the door and I just let him go. Now if the dogs don't kill him! They have never been aggressive or messed with the chickens...
  19. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    Congrats Jon! Very nice looking coop!
  20. CJJenkins

    North Carolina

    I think I like that idea best! I have tried using a squirt bottle, since it's winter and he's in a lot that I don't want to wet any more than the weather has... Thanks though, when the weather gets warmer if he is still feeling feisty I will try the water hose.
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