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  1. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    I found this very interesting, I recently read a lady's blog who puts herbs such as lavender, chamomile, peppermint, catmint, and other aromatic herbs in her nesting boxes (mixes it 50/50 with nesting material such as straw etc.) and she says she has seen a dramatic reduction in flies, and...
  2. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    I started a new job 2 weeks ago and have not been able to get on much have I missed a lot! Too many pages to go back and read. Hope your all doing well and enjoying the cooler weather. Its starting to get darker earlier now, hard to believe Halloween costumes and pumpkins are already...
  3. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Thanks Matt. I just found it odd having lived at this house for over 20 years and never seen them until now..
  4. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Evening everyone, So tonight I got bitten by something that feels like a jelly fish sting for the 3rd time this week. I have not been able to identify what this insect was until I found it tonight. Early last week I was mowing the yard and I remember feeling what felt like 5-10 bee stings on...
  5. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    I tell you I have a bit a problem, 2 of my hens have bald spots on their backs and I have seen the other 2 hens eating their feathers. It's odd, I have had chickens before and seen a pecking order but in this flock of 4 I see no pecking order. There is no dominant hen that I can see, no pecking...
  6. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Thank you very much, late seeing this. Haven't had time to get on the last 2-3 days been SO busy at work. Logged in, and saw the photo and though what a beautiful SLW WAIT A DARN MINUTE! THATS MY CHICKEN!
  7. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    So I just walked outside to put the chickens up for the night and found ANOTHER EGG! What a nice surprise. I took their picture next to a store bought egg...the weird thing was this one was laid in the same spot as the other one. I guess monkey-see monkey do!
  8. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Thank you, I do want them to have chicks one day, I didn't know if anyone would take the hens for a week or two and split the eggs with me or not. Borrowing a rooster would be out of the question, my neighbors would go ballistic.
  9. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    No, I don't have a rooster with them, not allowed to have one in the city. I wish!
  10. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    FIRST EGG TODAY!!! What a pleasant surprise this morning! It was a tiny little pale brown egg, almost white! I thought Wyandotte's laid dark brown eggs...anyway it is about half the size of a normal egg, not bad for her first one!! I think this is the Proud Mama! She seemed to be...
  11. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Nice to meet you as well, and thank you!
  12. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Nice to meet you as well, and thank you!
  13. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    RSDe30 - in a couple of weeks there is. Chicken stock event in lincolnton, NC. You could easily Pick up a coup,e hens there, with the added bonus of seeing the hens first, and meeting the breeder. There is a thread here...
  14. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    I've had several folks tell me I should enter one of my 5 month old Wyandotte hens in the county fair this fall, however these folks are not chicken experts, nor do they even own chickens. I will say out of all my hen's she definitely is the prettiest, has the best lacing, and body structure...
  15. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Wow! Those are awesome photos, and I love the perches your husband built, and your right, it does resemble Noah's ark!
  16. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Glad to have you and greetings from Winston-Salem! Not TOO far from ya!
  17. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    I will let you know, and all recycles materials? That sounds interesting! I love recycling stuff, mostly because it's free!
  18. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Phew...that was fun! Cleaned out the coop, went and bought some vinyl flooring, and glue. Cut the vinyl to fit and glued it down. Then filled it up with river sand! It turned out very nice though....hopefully my back will feel better tomorrow.. Before - used pine shavings. After - Got rid...
  19. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Morning all! Off work today and I plan on working on my coop. I am going to attempt to convert the coop floor from a pine shaving litter, to sand. Which is going to require putting some sort of liner down or container to contain the sand. I am still contemplating what I am going to do for...
  20. ZaksGarden

    North Carolina

    Wow that is crazy! An egg in an egg. Looking forward to the FFF Show in November! Matt, isn't there a show at the Dixie Classic Fair in October or is that something different?
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