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  1. brandirjones


    I only used the peroxide once. Ive since been packing the wound twice daily and cleaning a debreeding with wound cleaner and using neosporin. I wish i could upload pictures but it isn't embedding.
  2. brandirjones


    My white hen is acting fine but im noticing green coloring around her wound! Im giving warm baths every other day, cleaning with wound cleaner, boiling out with peroxide, packing with antibiotic cream and wrapping. Im doing this twice a day.
  3. brandirjones


    A COON! I caught it this morning
  4. brandirjones


    Awe thanks! I set the trap with sardines and nothing yet. My girls did lay 4 eggs today. They seem a bit more relaxed today. If one finds a way in after all i did yesterday i just dont know what to do.
  5. brandirjones


    It just wont upload any pictures. Find me on Facebook. They are there. Brandi Nicole Swearingen
  6. brandirjones


    It is a commercial shrimp net. Heavy netting. Came home to another hen with a severe puncture wound in her neck
  7. brandirjones


    No organs exposed, like on her shoulder if you will. The muscle is exposed. Looks like its just ripped open. I have tried and tried to upload the picture but it won't upload.
  8. brandirjones


    I just dont know. I cant figure it out. And the other feathers strowed around the run from the other chickens are confusing me too! She's resting good, ate her treats and pooped good. I changed her bandage before I turned the lights off. Im thinking i'm going to do another warm bath tomorrow...
  9. brandirjones


    I did. I walked all over the pen and couldn't find any entry point. They dont free range. Confined to 28x28 run. Net roof wire walls.
  10. brandirjones


    I just came home to my Ethel with a HORRIBLE injury! I noticed this morning lots of feathers all around the run. She was not hurt then. I saw a clump of her feathers with flesh holding them together. I grabbed her up, took her inside, gave her a warm bath, plucked the feathers around the injury...
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