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  1. stonefeather

    Color genetics thread.

    Thanks Rainbowchick. I am sorry my post wasn't clearer. I am working with E/E (extended black). Specifically I am working with blue standard langshans like the one in my avatar. I have bred them for years, but I am really trying to understand the details of why some of my blues have nice dark...
  2. stonefeather

    Color genetics thread.

    Hi ColorParakeet E stands for the E locus Extended Black, Ml stands for melanotic, and pg stands for pattern gene. I have spent a lot of time slowly reading about the E locus and other such things. I would recommend a good poultry color genetic book. There are a few out there, but the one I...
  3. stonefeather

    Color genetics thread.

    I think I have a similar question about lacing. I am trying to learn what genes are responsible for lacing on blue bird E/E Bl/bl. Is it simply Ml or do you need Ml and pg? Is it Ml that concentrates the black pigment at the end of the feather? Or maybe I am completely off the mark? I have only...
  4. stonefeather

    Color genetics thread.

    Thank you for your help and the nice pictures CanuckBock! The sire is the only bird that is not from my line. I just purchased him last month and for his genetics I am going off what I was told. With that said, there is always a chance of something like a copy or two of Bl hiding under that...
  5. stonefeather

    Color genetics thread.

    What adult color do you think this standard Langshan chick will be? I have never seen this exact variation of chick down in my birds before. The color is more even, but much lighter and more mute than the recessive white chicks I have hatched previously. The color is also much lighter than the...
  6. stonefeather

    Color genetics thread.

    Thanks Henk69. That's what I figured.
  7. stonefeather

    Color genetics thread.

    Hi All, I have a color genetic question related to recessive white. I raise Langshans in black, blue, and white and am curious about any minor role that recessive white might play in the color of both black and blue birds. I have heard rumors that having a copy of the recessive white gene in...
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