Color genetics thread.

I need to learn what MI, E/E, and all of these other things mean.

Hi ColorParakeet

E stands for the E locus Extended Black, Ml stands for melanotic, and pg stands for pattern gene. I have spent a lot of time slowly reading about the E locus and other such things. I would recommend a good poultry color genetic book. There are a few out there, but the one I have read is "An introduction to color forms of the domestic fowl" by Brian Reeder. Also, a good, quick introduction can be found here I hope that helps!

I am by no means a chicken color gene expert, and I do not even know what an isabel is. I don't think that one was in the book : )
Isabel is lavender on red/gold but isabel is not widely used over here(yet?).

Isabel wheaten would be a lavender wheaten. eWh/eWh, lav/lav.
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Isabel is lavender on red/gold but isabel is not widely used over here(yet?). 

Isabel wheaten would be a lavender wheaten.  eWh/eWh, lav/lav.

That is correct, isabel wheaten=lavender wheaten.
And yes, isabel is just barely gaining popularity, and it sounds like most people are not even familiar with the term.
I think I have a similar question about lacing. I am trying to learn what genes are responsible for lacing on blue bird E/E Bl/bl. Is it simply Ml or do you need Ml and pg? Is it Ml that concentrates the black pigment at the end of the feather? Or maybe I am completely off the mark? I have only just started learning about patterns. Thanks!

It depends on the breed and the color, and if it is ER or eb based...
Some need Co, Ml and Pg, some also need the addition of Db. Best just to check out the chicken calculator and research what your own breed is based on. :)
It depends on the breed and the color, and if it is ER or eb based...
Some need Co, Ml and Pg, some also need the addition of Db. Best just to check out the chicken calculator and research what your own breed is based on.
Thanks Rainbowchick. I am sorry my post wasn't clearer. I am working with E/E (extended black). Specifically I am working with blue standard langshans like the one in my avatar. I have bred them for years, but I am really trying to understand the details of why some of my blues have nice dark lacing and other it is almost completely absent. I am also trying to understand strange feather patterns I see in young chicks that seem to indicate degree and darkness of lacing when they become adults. Unfortunately I don't understand blue lacing enough on E birds or any other e locus for that matter. I have used the chicken calculator before, but never thought of using it for the blue lacing. I hope that helps. Thanks!
 Thanks Rainbowchick. I am sorry my post wasn't clearer. I am working with E/E (extended black). Specifically I am working with blue standard langshans like the one in my avatar. I have bred them for years, but I am really trying to understand the details of why some of my blues have nice dark lacing and other it is almost completely absent. I am also trying to understand strange feather patterns I see in young chicks that seem to indicate degree and darkness of lacing when they become adults. Unfortunately I don't understand blue lacing enough on E birds or any other e locus for that matter. I have used the chicken calculator before, but never thought of using it for the blue lacing. I hope that helps. Thanks!

I don't work with Blues, but I do know that they are pretty different genes from normal laced birds. I've read that the best way to get good blues is to cross a good blue with a good blue, and avoid outcrossing. But, like I said, I don't have any experience with it. Maybe someone else could chime in? I know I'm not the only one on this thread.... ;)
Ok, question: if you have a bird that is dominant white and you introduce the barring gene, what will that look like? Will it just get covered up by the white or will the baring show through the white with whatever they are under the white?
Question two: blue laced red birds? I don't even know where to begin with trying to figure out what genes make that look possible. I know there is lacing and blue but what is the base color and if it isn't red then where does the red come from?
Ok, question: if you have a bird that is dominant white and you introduce the barring gene, what will that look like? Will it just get covered up by the white or will the baring show through the white with whatever they are under the white?

Look at a production white Leghorn for the answer . They carry barring .
Question two: blue laced red birds? I don't even know where to begin with trying to figure out what genes make that look possible. I know there is lacing and blue but what is the base color and if it isn't red then where does the red come from?

Think of them as gold lace with the genes that deepen the red as RIR have. Then add blue gene= blue laced red.

The 'black'- as in blue-black-splash- of blue laced reds are much darker than gold laceds.

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