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  1. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    This pic is the one who was sick but hers looks normal again. Its 2 other females outside that have it now. Never noticed this before on them
  2. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    See how underneath looks like a V shape in a way. Like fat hanging
  3. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    what does it mean when they get a V looking shape under their belly? Losing weight? Ive seen this on 3 of my females now. Itll look this way a few days then go away
  4. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Pebbles has been doing better. My concern now is both of them that are inside havent laid an egg for a week and Rosie the one whose not sick is losing feathers like crazy. Could this be molting? Pebbles is losing some too but not as much as Rosie
  5. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    I been doing once a day of bayril
  6. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Ok so I just received the 10% Bayril today in the mail. I need to know the dosage for her at 5.5 pounds. I had the 2.27% from the vet office and had to give 1ml.. I didnt order more from them since it was alot cheaper online.
  7. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Can you see the lil bit underneath pebbles belly thats hanging? That was from her losing weight.. its not as bad as a wk ago so shes putting some weight back on
  8. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    They are making a mess for mommy to clean up LOL.. this the first time i seen them get all the way in their water dish.
  9. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Pebbles is on the left! Her buddy is rosie.. pebbles been feeling alot better since we started more wheezes. Still coughs but a lot better then before
  10. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    I forgot to mention that I did see a runny nose,clear liquid. Why wouldn't bayril be helping that?
  11. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    UPDATE....Pebbles appears to be alot better so far after 4 doses of Bayril. but.......she coughs alot still..not as often as before tho, it has seemed to slow down a bit...Her breathing is better,she doesnt sound like there's fluid in her lungs anymore. The vet only gave me 5 days of bayril...
  12. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    ill try, she moves away so much. But sometime soon today ill get the pic up. Its almost like the bottom of her eyelid is popping out, dont know if its a bubble or what.
  13. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Now Ive noticed one of my other females Miss Queen has something wrong with her eye. Kinda looks like a bubble on bottom of her eyelid. Is this something to worry about?
  14. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Wow Bayril worked wonders for baby peachick
  15. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Pebbles is quacking away again and not tail bobbing so much so thats an improvement..shes still coughing alot tho, still some congestion noted but not as noticeable . So baby steps. But its nice to hear her quackn again. She was way too quiet the last few days
  16. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Shes quacking now! Eating some. Definetly acting better and not depressed looking. Im hoping for the best
  17. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    I will read thru this. Last night she sounded very very congested and wouldnt quack last 2 days. Last night she had first dose of bayril. This morning she has went back to quacking some. And not so congested. Hopefully she will continue to get better
  18. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    she loves mealworms,i will be going to town to get some today I plan on scrambling eggs today as well to try
  19. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Now with gapeworm, is this something that takes months to develop? Since shes been coughing 4-5 months now ? I just didnt know if its something that symptoms start over a long period of time or in short time? I cant seem to find any info on how fast the gapes can develop and start causing problems
  20. kari1981

    Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

    Whats some good foods to try to get her to eat. She will only eat peas...Ive put water in the feed to make it soupy but she just barely dips her beak in. But will act like shes starving when i get the peas out.
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