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  1. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    She has healed up really well slowly but its almost completely closed and begining to feather. Is in great form and has begun laying. All's well that ends ell.
  2. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    Blue Kote doesn't seem to be available outside the US :( Salt water and very diluted iodine will have to cut it.
  3. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    Hes not mad more a little bemused by my putting this much effort into a duck. :D
  4. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    It doesn't seem to be infected its a little yellow but their is no discharge or weeping. She is ravenous, enjoys her bath dries off under the lowered heat lamp. Hasn't been out much as we have had a cold snap and some snow but she seems to be reasonably happy. Unless she is going mad due to...
  5. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    I'm in Ireland, its hard to know if things are better or not it is better for some worse for others. It doesn't help that I haven't finished my degree. Had to leave due to ill health and it is expensive to go back. A local meat packing plant is hiring so fingers crossed that they pick my cv out...
  6. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    Okay this is the hole in my ducks head their are 2 really with a weird thin strip of skin across it. I swear that is one days waste and is already cleaned out she is a messy girl. I don't know how that's going to close though. EDIT the yellow staining is from the iodine not discharge!
  7. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    Today the exposed muscle had a yellow crust on top. I don't think it's infection I think that it is just fluid leaking and drying. I did try to clear a small patch but I was afraid that all I was doing was pulling off the natural healing scab. So I squirted it with salt water let it dry and...
  8. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    Thank you!
  9. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    I'd take her to the vet but am currently unemployed and as I live at home have to be sensitive to my parents sensibilities. For my dad no animal is worth more than its replacement value which is about 20 euro for a duck and a single vet visit without any meds tops that. I am happy to keep her...
  10. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    Thought she was better but became suspicious of the smell coming from beneath the scab. It is all black and dead I had to pull it out and clean it now there is a gap of more than an inch between the margins of the skin. I do not see how that can close and the muscle beneath is open to the air. I...
  11. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    No I meant It didn't look like another animal had fed on its carcass. They get fed every morning with grower pellets , and also have their choice of vegetable peelings. Thank you.
  12. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    The dead duck looked like its throat had been just shredded. The wind pipe and spine were intact but the skin around it was just gone. I thought maybe the skin was ripped and she thrashed tearing it further? She hadn't been fed on from what I could see. She has been offered greens but she just...
  13. Maebh

    Pekin duck attacked (by chicken??)

    I keep a mixed flock of chickens and ducks (using the word flock loosely there were 4 birds total). Something has killed one of my ducks and injured another. The coop is locked and secure but I don't understand how my chooks could have killed the duck. Though the injuries on the live one...
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