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  1. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Agree completely. One of the great advantages of the MHP is that they learn day/night cycles right from the start.
  2. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Brooder #2 with the older chicks is MHP free now. Those chicks are doing so well at my Mom's house. It's been so fun for her. Some of the 3 week olds are still using MHP #1 at our house. I'm hoping to have the interior of the coop done this weekend so I can integrate the 2 groups into the coop...
  3. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    8 or our 10 now sleep on top. The other 2 still go under. The issue is that all 10 of them pile on top of each other on the top of the MHP during the day. We are using puppy pads on top of the press and seal and changing them out every day or 2. They are little pooping machines.
  4. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Our 10 leave it double nasty just about every day. Hate for them to always be up there on it sooo....
  5. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Thought I'd pass this along in case it would be helpful to someone. Seems our little flock is determined to hang out on top of the MHP most of the time during the day. Some stay up there during the night as well. Some go under. As you can imagine, the top of the MHP gets ugly in a hurry. We've...
  6. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Please do. I would love more information on this!
  7. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Thanks. We have agreed that we will do everything we possibly can for her. We've also agreed that we won't go forward if she doesn't recover fully. Cheryl and I both want very much for her to be well but we do not want her to suffer or be picked on or have a troubled life. We gave her more ND...
  8. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    I'm not ready to give up on her. A search of threads here on the subject shows that many have fully recovered from vitamin deficiency. She came out and ran around with the others in the flock today. She still had a few episodes but they were less severe, shorter and she recovered from them...
  9. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    That is not the issue. If you put her down in the brooder they come around her. When she was easting last night I had to keep shooing them away so she could eat in peace. They all slept together under the MHP just fine once the other finally decided to go to bed. She drank a good amount of...
  10. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Don't think so. Apparently they just weren't ready to go to bed. Once they all got in there they stayed all night.
  11. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I needed them. It's been a tough week. I've been working like crazy every spare moment on the coop. Problems at my work beyond my control but still eating at me. Hardly slept and now this. Once everyone got me pointed in the right direction I found several...
  12. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Yes. Suddenly the fun of having chickens is gone.
  13. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Thanks. Vitamin deficiency is the suggestion from the emergency thread also. I'll keep trying to get as much NutriDrench in her as possible. Trying to get them to go to bed now. Some were under the MHP but now everyone but her is piled up in a corner with her alone in the MHP. I'm trying to get...
  14. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    She drank some sugar water and some nutridrench that we gave her with a syringe. Not a lot but some. She just pooped on me. First time in my entire 54 years that I was ecstatic to have something poop on me. Perfectly normal looking poop. Some of them were in the MHP so I just put her I there...
  15. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Sorry aart. I'm not sure about first thing this morning. There was food in her crop at noon. She does have control of her head. She literally stood and ate like nothing was wrong just a little while ago and then freaked out again.
  16. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    There was food in her crop. She is chirping. I put some crumble in a dish and set her in it. She ate like crazy. Seemed normal for a few minutes then did the weird deal again. I'm holding her now and she's chirping but not in a distressful tone. I was encouraged that she ate. The other babies...
  17. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions and for the concern. She's still the same. I wrapped her in a towel and held her for an hour and a half when I got home. I can get her to drink a little nutridrench but not too much. She doesn't seem to be in pain and slept in my hand for quite a while. She...
  18. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    I don't think so. I don't know what it would have been other than some possibility of some wood shavings but I guess anything is possible. I hope she's better soon too. Anxious to get home and check on her.
  19. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Thank you and yes, she is under my care and I'd do anything to help her. It's just so odd to me. Yesterday everyone was running, jumping, trying to fly and generally going nuts. I made for sure that everyone was under the MHP when I went to bed since they went all stupid when we enlarged the...
  20. TerryH

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Yes. All good on the butt scene. I can see nothing at all visually wrong with her.
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