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  1. carousel

    *Monday night Update - dog bite - graphic pic

    right, agreed. she will be living in the "Lizard room" LOL (sigh) and is in a large dog crate. I think she will be apart for a good long while, she does not seem upset about being away from her buddies it is "Chicken Little" (the rooster) that seems to miss her. He is still watching over his...
  2. carousel

    *Monday night Update - dog bite - graphic pic

    Monday night, I have a new question about "Girlfriend" how "long" should we continue to daily clean and treat the wounds? will it be apparent? she is finishing her 4th day since the dog bite. she is feisty and eating well. She hates being treated, which I see as a good sign. she is mostly...
  3. carousel

    *Monday night Update - dog bite - graphic pic

    Another Update we are approaching 48 hours from the dog attack. "Girlfriend" that is the name of this chicken (she was from the same 'batch' as the rooster so they are best buds. It is sad because he has called for her, he is worried that she is gone. She is still in the house in a dog crate...
  4. carousel

    *Monday night Update - dog bite - graphic pic

    Update on my friend's chicken, She made it through the night! she is still eating, drinking and pooping. roosted on the piece of wood my friend put in her dog crate last night. yesterday she laid a normal egg several hours after the attack. Early this morning she laid a soft/no shelled egg...
  5. carousel

    *Monday night Update - dog bite - graphic pic

    you guys are great, the only antibiotic she could find was Duramycin 10 so that is in her water. she IS eating, she is giving her her regular food plus some scrambled eggs. now we cross fingers. for my friend, I really hope she makes it. Next will be wing clipping time for the chickens. Her dog...
  6. carousel

    *Monday night Update - dog bite - graphic pic

    * Monday update on next page. One of my friends chickens decided to leave the "chicken yard today" and went into the dog yard. she is eating, drinking, is now in the house in a dog crate, on liquid antibiotics in her water, wounds have been cleaned with betadine solution and tipple antibiotic...
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