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  1. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Cordon has done it!
  2. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Friday afternoon I searched the entire run just to make sure I hadn't missed an egg. :D
  3. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    She squatted again this morning. :)
  4. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    :thumbsup YEAH! Mine are still freeloading. I just looked at the undisturbed boxes, the empty coop, and all around the run hoping to find something but no egg action yet.
  5. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Yes. It's definite progress though since it was just one figure a couple weeks ago when I last caught her.
  6. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    My girls are 22 and 24 weeks. I'm hoping that, if nothing else, they'll start up after the solstice.
  7. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Cordon squatted today! She actually let me pick her up and had a generous 2 fingers on the pelvic check.
  8. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Not yet. The Australorps are particularly bright red in the comb and wattles, but I'm still waiting. Last night I flattened the shavings in the nest box and placed the golf balls in a way I could remember. When I get home from work I'll look to see if anyone is nesting.
  9. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    No, not at all. :D I hope that I will never have to give a hen that intimate an exam.
  10. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    To the best of my knowledge that's how to do it. Though I can't claim to be an expert. I'm wrestling an unwilling hen and feeling around for the space so I can't be sure at this stage in my chicken-handling experience. The spaces I'm feeling are wider now than when I first started.
  11. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Some of my chickens have learned to fly out of their pen so I'm having to catch them. As long as I'm holding them I figure I might as well check. ;)
  12. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    I didn't find any eggs in the nest boxes today, but I did find feathers -- looks like at least one of the Australorps has been investigating.
  13. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Mine don't like to be picked up at all, but don't object to the check more than they object to just being held.
  14. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Very useful article:
  15. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Very useful article:
  16. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Sounds good to me. :)
  17. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    Indeed. Maybe we can have fresh eggs for breakfast on Thanksgiving. :D
  18. 3KillerBs

    Pelvic Check Says, "Not Yet"

    I am trying to not get impatient about eggs. The ladies were probably hatched June 10th and 24 so they're certainly not overdue, especially with the days shortening. One of the Blue Australorps, whose combs and wattles are beautifully red, flew over the fence today. Her "punishment" for being a...
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