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  1. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    The last movie that spooked me was The Mothman Prophecies. It was a horror but it was scary It was creepy. And based on siting of the mothman in the late 70's I believe. The incident with the bridge actually occured in the 70's and not the late 90's. If I had to choose one horror movie that...
  2. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Okay saw Dead Birds today. It finally came in from Amazon and I had to pop it in my player. It was creepy in some parts and an interesting ending but I found it average as far as horror movies go. I guess because due to the beginning I found little sympathy for the characters which might have...
  3. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    I don't really recall any nudity in Saw series.
  4. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    I haven't but I just checked it out and from what I've read it was a Spanish Horror film that is being americanized. I'm curious after reading the description.
  5. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Doug Jones who plays the fuan and Pale Man has been in some of Del Toro's previous works inculding playing Abe of Hellboy 1 & 2. Most of Del Toro's creature features have Doug Jones playing a monster. He was also in Mimic as the creature.
  6. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Oh yeah! The pale man! That was creepy! Heck even the fuan was creepy!
  7. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Now I have a little bit of cash I decided to find some movies and managed to get a good deal on Dead Birds. I will be seeing it soon as it arrives!
  8. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Special effects get better every decade and I love when you see monsters that look so real! I have always been addicted to creature features above all types of horror movies. But... sometimes the FX backfire when they concentrate so much on how things look that they pay little attention to the...
  9. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Did anyone else watch No Vacancy? It was a fun one to watch but with the usual hollywood end.
  10. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    I found Hellraiser more interesting than scary. I don't think I've actually sat down and watched all of any of Friday the 13th besides 3 and 4. What I have found to be a pretty good watch was Halloween 1 and 2. 3 was just stupidest thing I've seen which turned me off to the rest of the series.
  11. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Quote: Yup. I used to talk about horror movies on another board but one by one the people I would talk to left the board. I miss it but now I have a chance to talk about them again! Glad you opened this topic up. Oh and the Omen it was me that commented on it. I know it was probably scary for...
  12. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    You have to see it. If we say it is a huge spoiler.
  13. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    The Myst was handled well. Though the ending was not the same as what the story had it shocked me so much that I have to admit it was the ending needed for the film. It just added a whole new level to the story that I didn't expect.
  14. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    The novel was way better. The movie is so different from it I quickly disliked it. That's me though I usually read the novel first and then see the film. And for me most times the novel is the winner.
  15. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Read the novel yet to see Pet Semetary yet though. I usually don't like movie adaptions of King's works...they really botched a lot of them. ***Cringes at the thought of Dreamcatcher*** That is the worse one I can think of.
  16. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    It's a mix of Stephen King's short stories rolled into one movie. It's three stories connected by the life of a cat that lives through each tale in some way.
  17. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    Come to think about of the things that really made me scared as a kid and I could not sleep well for a long time was Cat's Eye. the whole troll story was just....ugh that got to me back then.
  18. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    They creeped me out when I first saw it and mostly I think because I saw it alone. But a second viewing didn't give the same effect.
  19. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    I hate to admit but...I never saw the end to The Messengers. When my sister rented it I as real tired and fell asleep right before the end.
  20. Ace_king_brahma

    Horror movie Fanatic.... Never fear the remote to shut it off is here

    A book and then everyone wanted to quickly cash in on it by making a series of movies...each one in my opinion worse than the one before it.
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