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  1. AprilH

    Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

    Just remembered you said 6 min for day-olds. I am looking for these breeds: Buff Orpington, EE/Americauna and if possible, Red Jungle Fowl (this one for pets, not their personality.). Thanks!
  2. AprilH

    Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

    Hi-I am interested in ordering at this time...I was wondering what the min order is, what breeds are available and ages? I am interested in day old...but would also take sexed pullets. Thanks!
  3. AprilH

    Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

    Dumb newbie old would they have to be in order to be sexed?
  4. AprilH

    Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

    6 is do-able. I want them day old because I love the Easter Egger personality...I want them for pets AND that order. I just lost an Easter Egger to kidney disease and I am absolutely crushed. She was absolutely beloved.
  5. AprilH

    Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

    Hi-Where I live, there's an ordinance of 4 hens max, no roosters. This makes ordering extremely difficult. I am looking for easter eggers...if you ever consider doing a smaller order of day old chicks to the Tampa Bay area, PLEASE let me know. Thank you.
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