Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

I'm trying to compare legbars to amaeracanas and I can find much I info. Do legbars hv true blue eggs and who lays more? I w'd b happy to buy my eggs from u.

they both lay well. I don't breed pure ameraucanas at this time but do have them mixed in with my EE. Egg color is consistent on the legbars and is blue. EE/Ameraucana pen that I ran has mostly blue eggs but also can have some green, greenish/blue eggs.
Hi-Where I live, there's an ordinance of 4 hens max, no roosters. This makes ordering extremely difficult.
I am looking for easter eggers...if you ever consider doing a smaller order of day old chicks to the Tampa Bay area, PLEASE let me know.
Thank you.
Hi-Where I live, there's an ordinance of 4 hens max, no roosters. This makes ordering extremely difficult.
I am looking for easter eggers...if you ever consider doing a smaller order of day old chicks to the Tampa Bay area, PLEASE let me know.
Thank you.
If you only want hens then you would have to place an order from my sexed day old pullet list. I have legbars on that list that will lay a nice blue egg. I can ship only 4 if I sent them when the are a couple of weeks old. If you want sexed easter eggers, you would have to wait until they are about 8 weeks old. Pricing is obviously different in that regard. I can also send day old chicks if you want to go that route but minimum order is 6. I wouldn't think you would have any trouble selling the other two when you have chose which four you want to keep, especially if you order from my guaranteed pullet list. :)
6 is do-able. I want them day old because I love the Easter Egger personality...I want them for pets AND that order. I just lost an Easter Egger to kidney disease and I am absolutely crushed. She was absolutely beloved.
then yes i can send 6 day olds but they will be straight run as I am unable to sex them at day old. we can hope and pray that 4 of them at least are girls!! :)
It's supposed to be a lot cooler the next week up here temperature wise so I'm wondering about your chocolate orpington eggs? Are these large sized fowl or bantams? I guess it really makes no diffrence cause whichever they are will decide which of my two other varieties they will get bred with to introduce the chocolate gene into. They are $6 per egg,,,how many available eggs would you have to ship on Monday? Thanks
It's supposed to be a lot cooler the next week up here temperature wise so I'm wondering about your chocolate orpington eggs? Are these large sized fowl or bantams? I guess it really makes no diffrence cause whichever they are will decide which of my two other varieties they will get bred with to introduce the chocolate gene into. They are $6 per egg,,,how many available eggs would you have to ship on Monday? Thanks

hey there, they are large fowl. so egg price is actually down to $4 per egg on my website. :) guess i need to update my prices on here as a few others have gone down as well. I should be able to send at least 18 i would think.

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