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  1. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    Very nice -- Everyone loves pics -- the black and white one is really neat thanks ~~~ Tammy
  2. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    I'm really liking that pic of the last hen you posted SimplySplendidSilkies -- she's purrty~~ Tammy
  3. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    I've been veryyyyyyyyyyyy fussy -- when growing out my blk chicks if I have any color other then black or that pretty crow sheen on them They're gone and if it was from my own breeding the hens were replaced - I now have 4 really nice trios - ( I know not alot , but what I can afford and...
  4. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    my young blks are really looking promising !! Your right it is very hard to find pure blks - I started about a year ago on trying to maintain a strickley blk pen . I've always had blks but did what everyone else was doing useing them to improve my other color varietys . Now I raise only 2 colors...
  5. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    beautiful Amy-- I must confess I love the blacks the most ~~~ Tammy
  6. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    aww -- well 4 is better than 0 -- hope all goes well -- show us some chickie pics when they hatch -- I'll be doing some testing here hopefully in a couple of weeks -- I've been working on my blacks for awhile and must say I'm getting nice results -- time...
  7. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    good luck to you both ~~~Tammy
  8. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    I'm sorry -- putting some positive engery in your direction for fertile eggs next go ~~~~ My blacks are doing great and my young ones are growing out beautiful . I just put all my mature hens back with their roos ( been showing them all summer ) so...
  9. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    Wow -- I live in maine and it was 81 already at 7am ---- the temps are riseing right now -- I don't have big barns but they are open with a lot of windows . I've had to block the sun from comming in ( I put those windows there so they would...
  10. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    Wow Amy that is awful !!! We had very humid weather here in the north but they say it's gunna get worse I'm glad I live in the foothills , there are many lakes and ponds surounding us . It gets very muggy and hot during the day - but almost always...
  11. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    What beautiful birds everyone has !! I love the type on those hens joe . I took a couple pics out side today it was sooooo hot and humid here !! I hope it rains some tonight - just too break the heat !! I have 4 broodie black hens setting on...
  12. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    Kasey08 -- They aren't as black more of a dark blue with steel gray under coat ( at least this is my experince ) Here is a pic of the wing on my pure black And here is a pic of the wing the black produced in my BBS pen The under coat of...
  13. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    Jen5680 you can send that box to Gordon Hill in Chesterville Maine PolishPrincess That is a very handsome Roo I have question for those working with blacks . I have some nice dark Blue chicks - that came from pure black to white breeding -- I...
  14. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    Huh I guess I really missed something here . I hope you two can work out what ever your differences are . I was going to go back and try reading what ever I missed but think I'll keep going forward and send positive thoughts and prayers ~~ Tammy...
  15. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    I have a couple of questions for those experinced please . I really feel kinda dingy but I don't know " what is double coop " ? I have the entry form for the spring show here and it says $ for double coop . I don't know what it means . And soooo many...
  16. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    I love shareing what I have when I can . And shareing isn't with a demand attached to it . I'm not rich with monetary things -- but I'm very rich with lifes blessings - The Creator always takes care of my familys needs . I'm glad to hear so many are...
  17. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    I personally would go with the Blue Roo . The Black as to many down sides to me to work out of his offspring . Your hens are awsome from what I can see . ( nice colour and type ) as long as correct toes - those are the 3 i'd choose to start with . ~~ just...
  18. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    How is everyones hatches going ? The last time I read this thread there were a couple of people waiting on eggs to hatch and a couple waiting on hens to lay some eggs ~~ Tammy
  19. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    awwww that's alot of waiting ---- hmmm --- they'll start laying and you'll run out of room for them . --- hmmmm---( if that happens - I'm sure there are many of us here to help you out ) Just some of my crazy thoughts -- Tammy
  20. Gordonhillfarm

    Black silkies

    I'm with you Teresaann24 my girls just aren't laying yet They are still young a few just 8 - 9 months old . The weather here is in the 40s today and they could reach 50 tomorrow but friday and saturday could be more snow . Amy how are you and...
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