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  1. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Ya, right! lol.
  2. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    A follow-up pic from earlier today. Although it's now nearly gone, our vet still isn't entirely sure what it was. However, the prescribed antibiotics are effectively addressing the issue. (Yay Dr. McDaniels!!)
  3. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Quack update: A close up pic after several days of treatment. As you can see, its gone down quite a bit. However... I'm now questioning what it is again. She'll be back to the vet next week for a check-in. Only time will tell if he has a different perspective as to what he's treating. More...
  4. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Thx again to all for your concerns and suggestions. More to follow over the next 14 days.
  5. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

  6. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Sorry to all for the wait. The vet wasn't 100% certain on what caused the growth - other than it is indeed a growth and not something stuck to her bill. He said it was 'very likely bacterial' and attacked an internal layer in her bill with the growth a response to that infection. He further...
  7. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Thought about that as well. Their aviary is an extension of - not connected with a passthrough - the chicken house. There is chicken wire on some sides (We don't want Mr. Racoon stopping in for a late night visit!) and I'm wondering if that has something to do with the 'growths'. Maybe she...
  8. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Ya, I think that that's just lighting. She's doing great, splashing around in puddles today having fun in the rain. Just the odd 'growths'.
  9. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    She was splashing about in a pool of water when I went to get her for a pic. The shiny around the nostril is just water.
  10. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Yes, shy of someone here knowing what that is on her beak and how best to address it, I believe that's my very next option. I have a good local vet.
  11. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Cayuga, I did indeed. I went so far as to use a vibrating toothbrush and soapy water to gently try to remove the growth - thinking at first it was simply something stuck to her. Unfortunately... No joy. I believe it's a growth.
  12. Hotspurious

    Duck's Bill "Growth"

    Quack, one of my Buff Orpington ducks, has in the last month developed a growth of sorts on her bill. (See pic) After researching this forum and via Google, I'm still unsure as to what it is, why it formed or, most importantly, how to treat it. She exhibits no other symptoms with the growth...
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