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  1. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    While not necessary and it could be considered a luxury, I find having a band-it tool to be very convenient at times. You can find a used one on eBay for as low as $30 not including bands and clamps.
  2. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    I am sure that your local lumberyard can make one for you.
  3. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    It is just an 8"x8"x14" piece of a beam that was found in a scrap pile. I added the banding after it split from hitting in the same spot one too many times.
  4. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    My beheading kit.
  5. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    Once a year when he molts.
  6. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    Why not just use some dark hair dye on his feathers from time to time. He won't be this brilliant flash of white anymore.
  7. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    The point is that butterflies are trying to deter birds that would fear predators. I doubt that hawks or owls would be deterred by something they do not naturally fear (ground dwelling predators).
  8. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    Yes but butterflies are trying to deter small birds not hawks.
  9. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    My thoughts are that it could cause avoidance or other issues by other members of the flock.
  10. R2elk

    Predator eyes saddle apron for rooster

    For custom made poultry saddles and other decorative things for poultry, contact @OneMountainAcres via a conversation.
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