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  1. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    woops, I meant an old sliding glass door, not shower door!!
  2. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    Heres the one we were thinking of trying. We have an old shower door we could use for the top and someone said that they used bales of straw/hay for the sides
  3. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    That is so sweet! You know, when I first got chickens they got the leftovers, but as time as gone on, I find if I am making somthing they really like, say mashed potatoes, I will actually spoon them some in a bowl BEFORE we eat. My husband laughs at me, "so the rest is ours?"
  4. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    yep, they are molting! The girls had bare backs from the rooster, Big Red. He is such a horndog!! We had finally moved him to the goat pen, cause I felt my girls needed a break! They share a fence line so he can still keep an eye on them and once or twice a week I let him out with the girls. Now...
  5. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    Very pretty! Looks like they are getting some bread in the one picture?? My girls will do ANYTHING for bread, they love it!!! They will actually have attitude if I go out in the evening without at least a piece of bread for them.Crazy girls!
  6. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    I have to agree with you, never thought I'd be raising chickens! We got our first few cause we have a small farm and you should have some chickens for eggs...right?! Very quickly I realized that I am not a true farmer...just a hobby farmer. No ones getting culled here, we're lifers! I love their...
  7. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    Here is Dory and her 3 girls (Blondie, Buttercup & Hope) on top and my Millie!!
  8. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    Very Cute! No I dont hatch eggs. I do have a black star, Dory, who goes broody twice a year on average. The first time I let her sit on 5 eggs and ALL five turned out to be Roos!! Since then, whenever she goes broody I order 4 or more little girls and then sneak them under Dory. Thats how I got...
  9. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    I only have 1, Millie. She is 7 months old and I just love her! I have always had a mixed flock, but never had Buffs, and she had easily become one of my favorites!
  10. TTracy

    My backyard flock

    Very cute! Esp. love those Orpingtons!!! They're so fluffy!!!
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