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  1. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    That looks great! How many will you have per enclosure? I wish I was that handy.
  2. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    1/2' spacing between wires.
  3. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    More photos
  4. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    Look at all of us posting about quail on a Friday night. What exciting lives we lead
  5. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    You have to put a LOT down over the paper. My litter when I first put it down after cleaning is at least 6 inches deep. They stomp it down in no time. Mine were pecking at the paper until I covered it up completely. I wonder if they thought the letters were bugs or something? They pecked holes...
  6. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    Great to hear it! :-) I have my coop still lifted nicely off the ground per the wire bottom plan. So when that didn't work I just put some cheap wood down and then about 3 layers of newspaper over that. Then the litter. The newspaper stays remarkably dry considering how much they poop. I have...
  7. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    I just wanted to say that I really am now convinced this is the way to go. My quail had some foot problems develop on the wire. Although their poop fell through and it seemed cleaner, they were not as happy as they are now. They scratch and peck, they make little nests in the litter to sleep and...
  8. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    QuailSong, after seeing some foot problems in my quail, I just recently (as in yesterday) filled their enclosure with sawdust and some fallen dry leaves. The problem is that I live in the desert and dry leaves and other natural litter is hard to come by. Would straw be okay? What other things do...
  9. USAmma

    Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

    Very interesting! I am learning a lot! I may experiment with something like this. After seeing my chicks so happy in the wood shavings in their brooder, I am hesitant to put them fully on wire when I move them outside. I am very limited in what "filling" I can use though. I live in Phoenix area...
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