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  1. aviddamy

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I'm excited! A friend brought me a dozen fertile eggs and I put them under my broody Buff Orpington. I hope she stays put the whole time.
  2. aviddamy

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Good luck!! Baby chicks are so awesome!
  3. aviddamy

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Wow. Sorry to hear that Draye.
  4. aviddamy

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    That's very nice of you to offer. I don't have any alohas currently though. I wish.
  5. aviddamy

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I never post but I always read this thread. I like the NN alohas for their heat tolerance. I can't have a rooster in town or I would see if I could help you get them going. I live in YUMA and we travel to Phx quite a bit.
  6. aviddamy

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I have a sprinkler that is on top of the coop. It really helps cool things down. Im gonna grab some melons from roadside stands and put frozen ice bottles in their water. So far, they've done okay.
  7. aviddamy

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I love this breed of chicken. Its fun to see the progress that has been made over time.Since I live in AZ and we travel to the Phx area quite often, maybe someday when I have room I'll see if I can acquire a few ladies.
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