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  1. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    All I will say is do not cling to tight to your ideas on what you think the future holds for you concerning marriage and especially children. Life has a way of changing your preconceived notions. You said "You can't change people, and you are who you are" but you can change yourself for...
  2. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    Marriage is not about me it is about we. The definition that I use specifically to define marriage is the same one our government and laws use so I suggest you and likeminded stick with the ones you have adopted, signifigant other, partner, girlfriend boyfriend, companion, or whatever. Like it...
  3. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    I suppose there are many reasons why a marriage ends in divorce, my feelings are one or the other does not care enough to take serious what they say they will do and put forth the effort. A woman needs to find a way to a man's heart if she does that she has it made but she needs to seek. Men...
  4. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    You cannot keep score, it will lead to a competition which requires an adversary. I will admit all men do not live up to the requirements but that is when the woman is the best when she is his helper and the satisfaction comes when she sees the fruit of her labor and rejoices in it privately...
  5. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    You make some good points, all I can say is when you really love someone all those things you describe as doting become less burdensome and some even are enjoyable because you do them with each other. Cannot explain why something I once despised I now look forward to but here I am doing it.
  6. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    To be honest I really had to scratch my head to figure out what your point was you have a tendency to use a lot of big words with no substance so forgive me if I miss your point. I took what you said in essence that marriage is any copulation of 2 or more entities and the sky is the limit and...
  7. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    I hope you are not referring to the Middle Eastern marital culture. The treatment of women in American marital culture is far better. I doubt a harem system would cultive the same love triangle.
  8. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    Do we actually learn to love or learn what love really is or both? The image I had at marriage of what love was in not the same image I have now.
  9. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    Which part? The non traditional marriage people that I know better than an aquaintance tell me they do not think marriage as in it's tradiotional form is what they want. They want the laws that require employers to cover spouses to apply to them and other benefits. Most gays have no religious...
  10. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    This has always been the argument against gay marriage that it is a religious institution here in America and our laws are built around it. Domestic partnership or civil union would be more appropriate and then all the bennies enjoyed by traditional married people would apply and be granted...
  11. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    For my wife she takes pride in the fact that I introduce her as my wife. I do not know why but it seems that non married folks for the most part introduce their SO less frequently or not at all other than by their name and it is up to me to figure out the rest. There is a feeling of...
  12. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    Me too only 23 years and my kids are grateful for it also.
  13. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    Another misconception is that marriage is mandatory in a relationship. One can choose to not marry and reap the outcome or marry and reap those outcomes. And a monogamous relationship does prevent STDs' for all even those that feel "nobody tells me what to do" Punkadoodle, I do not think you...
  14. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    not sure what happened here. Quote:
  15. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    STD's should be a deciding factor alone for a monotheistic product and concept without having to be told by a higher power. It was for me.
  16. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    Love is a verb it requires constant attention. When people quit loving someone they love someone/something else. You cannot have 2 masters you will love one and hate the other. Read some of the writings of women that were victims of polygamy for a better understanding of that subject as they...
  17. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    Marriage is an outward sign to an inward act. When you love someone you marry as a MUTUAL sign that you are now "one" in love. It is a sacrifice and commitment that you make mutually to become one entity which is regarded as the highest level of love between a man and a woman otherwise you are...
  18. chickened

    Why do most people marry?

    Originally marriage was permitted for a man and a woman to avoid fornication. It certainly has evolved is all I can say. As for why people marry there are many reasons and love is only one and is usually the reason for younger folks. The older ones that have been married a few times do it for...
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