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  1. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Mucket : I just talked to someone at the Hovabator manufacturer. He said it's almost impossible to get 89% humidity in the 1588 and my hygrometer might be off but it should be up at eggtop level (like the thermometers). I had it propped against the side. And I had put water in the third...
  2. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Thank goodness....I was really worried FOR you and the chicks. Hope all goes well now! Keep us posted.
  3. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    I just read another article on humidity in Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens. It says,"Evaporation is regulated by the amount of moisture in the air (where do you have your incubator?) the more moisture-laden the air, the more slowly moisture evaporates from the eggs, and vice versa. Humidity...
  4. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    I thought we wanted higher humidity for hatching!? I don't have a genesis incubator...what did you set it for ? For me on my Brinsea is should be 60 or 65. I think if you open your incubator vent will help....but not experienced to know. SOMEONE will help you soon I hope! Ok...was...
  5. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Mucket : Tomorrow is lockdown in my Genesis 1588. Is this all I have to do? Remove turner. Lay eggs on mesh floor. Fill all water troughs. Then close lid till first chicks are dry? And don't open the red vent button till the last chick has hatched? Anything else? Good luck Mrs. Mucket!!
  6. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Mucket : Oh I'm so jealous of you guys! Congrats I have to wait another ten days. I do remember being warned that hatching can be consuming and addicting! Mrs. Mucket... I candled again today. I could tell/see development in most of my eggs this time...however, I have 3 that I think quit...
  7. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : I'm having incubator troubles. My homemade 'bator's plug is bad and stopped working and it somehow threw off the braker and it turned off my Hova-Bator, when I found it, it was down to almost 70! So I had to rush my Hova-bator inside and put it back inside and I just...
  8. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Mucket : Quote: Fifelake, I set my eggs on March 9, and remember a couple of days ago I couldn't see much either? Last night the dark spots, veins, and motion were all more visible. Can you bring yourself to candle again in a couple of days? It is really exciting to see! Were all of...
  9. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Today is day #9...I decided not to wait until day #10 to candle again...too impatient! I still didn't see veining...but did see air sac and most of the remaining 11 eggs looked viable I thought. 3 eggs had a much smaller blob that moved? floated? as I turned the egg. I am wondering if they are...
  10. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Happy to hear your good news Mrs. Mucket !! Sunday is day #10 for me and I'm candling again then....sure hope I see some veins or the little dark spot I see in candled egg pictures!
  11. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Mucket : Fifelake, I didn't know about the veins being earlier! Maybe our blobs will have spots in a couple of days. I'm sure our inexperience has a lot to do with it. I HOPE that is it and that we can some chicks out of our hatches!
  12. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Mucket : Quote: I've never candled either...I put my eggs into incubator on the 11th and was going to candle tomorrow....I'm nervous. I can't believe you didn't see anything! I only have 13 eggs. Are you sure you did it right? This is my first time candling so maybe I didn't do it...
  13. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Mucket : I put eggs in the Hovabator a week ago on March 9. I just candled all 29 eggs and can't see much of anything. But I'm a total newbie. What should be visible at 7 days? I have a Genesis 1588 with auto thermostat and an electric turner that both appear to be running fine. Keeping...
  14. fifelakelooper

    Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : I'm getting 18+ Splash/Blue Orpington test eggs..their eggs are Olive Green! Really excited about this! I just put 13 Blue Orpington eggs into the incubator and mine were tan or beige. Are you sure?
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