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  1. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    The part of the post that I have the most trouble with it the part about riding racehorses and training.. both babies and green horses... why ask anyone....I wouldn't... Focus is lesson 1... before even..halter the horse. C'mon Fess up... we will love you anyway!!!! some of us are just...
  2. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    Good morning horse fans....Time to get our horses focus... A bowl of warm mash on a morning like this and a carrot will surely gain some attention!!!
  3. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    One more thing before I am done... I am in the position to know better.... A lot of nice horses started out with well meaning loving owners like yourself.. You seriously don't understand the long term...You need to think more about your horses proper education for HER/His benefit. The small...
  4. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    Just reading your post Willow... It is really obvious to me that you are young and have a lot to learn.... This forum is a fun place to get advice and to learn things. I think ppl get on here to be useful... at least I know I do... The kind ppl of this forum offer you nice advice... that is...
  5. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    I read your past posts... Trying to figure out what exactly you were asking... It is all on here... I didn't make it up... want me to post it... maybe the word is borrow...not lease.. whatever.
  6. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    Redcatcher... Read the posts... It is a horse with 30 days training that she lets walk all over and do what it wants.... it is okay to let it knock things over.. This is a kid that leased a horse and has her first horse, probably from a rescue organization.... She has been riding for 5 years...
  7. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    I think this is just a young upstart that is green behind the ears... that is the nearest I can figure to a OP like this.. Clearly not an experienced horseperson... rather a horse owner I suspect...or a leasor.... These are not posts of a mature adult. Good luck with your endeavor Willow...
  8. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    in regard to upper post.... I should really edit this so it doesn't hurt you feelings.. that is not my intent... but instead I will offer this... feel free to email me for numbers of experienced ppl that I placed animals from with puppy habits.. Be glad to give you their numbers.. they will be...
  9. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    Willow Too bad you aren't in my state...I could ensure you animal a new home one day...... I place horses with habits like you are fostering....I take horses in that PPL don't keep because they are no longer in the shape to take care of them.. after the metal plate in their head or the...
  10. geebs

    Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

    They don't want your friendship. Book: Mary Twelve ponies 'There are no problem horses, Only problem riders' Good program Pat Parelli... He is a good jumping off point for "horses for dummies".... His is a great program to understand the way a horse think... They are not going to bond with...
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