Bonding with my horse AND getting her to focus???

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Just reading your post Willow... It is really obvious to me that you are young and have a lot to learn.... This forum is a fun place to get advice and to learn things. I think ppl get on here to be useful... at least I know I do... The kind ppl of this forum offer you nice advice... that is what you asked for.... Since you are inflammed by it I got to wondering why.... Clearly it seems like you don't want to hear the advise you asked for. I simply read you post as most ppl do and then responded accordingly... I don't know your horse... your right.. Maybe I don't know anything....maybe your right.... but maybe not.... You are just playing games with us adults on this forum......I call em like I see em hun...

Here are exerpts from your posts.
I'm planning on adopting a horse from the shelter near us....they are $200. We already have a big barn with electricity, water and cement floor. Are neighbors used to have horses(2 years ago) and are going to let us use their 10 acres of individual fenced in pastures. I am not going to show/trailer anywhere. We have our own field that we are going to use for a family friend ownes 40 acres of woods with horse trails next to our house.....we will use that for riding as well. I took care of 30 horses for the past to years(with some help). I washed 60 buckets every saterday in the 20 degree weather at 7 am.....I mucked 30 sum stalls each week, fed, turned out, swept and taught I am used to the work

RABBITSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please ADOPT....don't do breeders!!!!!!!!! lol!

I just got my first horse a few weeks ago.........and guess what its a paint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is much more.... but you get the point.​
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One more thing before I am done... I am in the position to know better.... A lot of nice horses started out with well meaning loving owners like yourself.. You seriously don't understand the long term...You need to think more about your horses proper education for HER/His benefit. The small things that you allow are just that a small degree of something greater... For any horse, your horse, grandma's horse... if you don't know that... You haven't been around horses very long.. that's about covers it... I don't care if you rode steeplechase beside king kong... Horse handling on the ground isn't the same as riding someones push button already saddled horse that they took to the show for ya.... big difference.. an experienced horseperson knows this.. I believe you have a lot of desire and heart but you need to develop ears or a sense of diplomacy and self control....There is probably 500 years collaberative experience here to help at the click of a mouse... don't squander it.....we are here to help... If you don't want the answer perhaps the question shouldn't be asked.
Willow's Meadow :

UM EXCUSE ME?????? she is NOT a rescue!!!!!!!!! She is a registered purebred American Paint Horse Mare. And she has been training MUCH longer then 30 days. I've actually never leased a horse.....who said that? omg

If she's in training or has been, why don't you talk to the trainer? Didn't the trainer work with you and the horse together? If the training took place before you bought her, why don't you try to contact that trainer?

ETA: Wow! That's a redundant post of mine
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good night michickenwrangler....thats where I am headed shortly. Its been a long day for me anyways. I have not been on here all day I have to look a bit first
Good morning horse fans....Time to get our horses focus... A bowl of warm mash on a morning like this and a carrot will surely gain some attention!!!
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The horse is not a rescue? Didn't you tell us before, that's where you were getting your horse from, for a couple hundred dollars?

WM, you're inexperienced, so inexperienced you don't even know you're inexperienced. I think you described having a pony fall on you, maybe roll and step all over you, to indicate that you really were experienced? I don't think it indicates being more experienced, I think it indicates being less experienced. Being a good horseperson isn't something you earn by getting hurt over and over again.

Every skilled and experienced horse person was inexperienced at one point. Though some of us were at barns where we would be on the ground eating a mouthful of dirt if we said 1/10th of what you've said here - the unreasoning negativity about certain breeds which I as well as others found particularly offensive, insisting you know it all, insisting on doing dangerous things, refusing instruction...but more than anything...arguing on and on and on. I've already had one riding instructor PM me and tell me you would not last one lesson in her program - do you want people to walk away thinking that?

Some LUUUUUV to argue over unimportant details of the discussion...unfortunately, that doesn't win the argument. This is an argument you can't win. Why? Because you are doing two things even the most basic instructor would tell you not to do(not getting in person help, sitting in an arena with a loose horse), if that instructor was worth even a half a doggone. Sure, some won't say anything. They've pretty much given up getting some people to listen, or they just don't care what happens, or they are ignorant.

You will change when you care about your horse a little more. I have seen people kill horses messing around with them. In certain situations, things unravel in ways you can't even possibly imagine or anticipate.

They all were doing stuff people had TOLD them not to do, what they could read in any book or magazine not to do, even in the most elementary article, any decent trainer would say Don't Do That.

You've been given good advice, to stop sitting in the arena with a loose horse, and to get lessons to help you be able to deal with this horse, which you are having trouble with, according to your own posts. My suggestion is not to sit at the computer like a baby bird waiting for something to fall in its mouth, but to do something independent and effective. Get lessons - from someone good. And a bit of advice, don't argue with a decent trainer, you will not like what happens next if you do. You will be out of there so fast it will make your head spin.

The top riders, those who win Olympic games, world championships, the tops in the world get riding lessons - every day - usually. How much of a step down would it really be for your state of mind, to get some meaningful instruction? Hopefully, after all the Sturm and Drang is over you will take the advice.
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The part of the post that I have the most trouble with it the part about riding racehorses and training.. both babies and green horses... why ask anyone....I wouldn't... Focus is lesson 1... before even..halter the horse. C'mon Fess up... we will love you anyway!!!! some of us are just grandmas!! We have that nurturing instinct to keep ppl safe from self etc.... Percieved skill is dangerous stuff.... IF it is true what you wrote in the past about all your injuries... uh well then maybe don't listen to us...listen to you're own body!!!
I usually love working with race horses, as they are often so well trained, listen very well, do precisely what they're told, and respond to leg and rein and whip so well. They usually haven't been taught to precisely stand still when you get on, that's sort of a 'dynamic movement', (leap and say wheee! LOL), And as a friend of mine loved to say, "noooooo.....they don't slow down when you pull on both reins, which in race horse talk, means 'annnnd...they're off'".
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I'm gonna get off the subject here abit, cuz I like reading geebs and Welsummer. (hee hee)
I got a good one going on right now.. I help a 37yr old brain damaged man ride his horse and basically look out for his safety. HE is not the problem, the MOTHER that knows ZERO/squat/nand about horses is the problem! Driving me crazy. She thinks that letting the horse get exercize once a week (the day we come out) is PLENTY of exercise for the horse. AND the "rescue" horse has a checkered past and has issues regarding men (was abused in some way/shape or form). So here we come out every Monday...let horse run in the arena to get the "bugs out" then guy hops on and wants horsey to run... so horsey associates all this once a week activity with running--isn't that nice?!? Momma just don't get it--The fellow has no idea and will not entertain the idea about "control of horse" He thinks he has it already. I am slowly getting him to relinguish some control to me, its only taken 5 months to let me hold the leadrope instead of tieing up horsey. (he pulls back till something breaks). One can only do so much once aweek.
Thank you guys for letting me vent a bit---I feel better now..........
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