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  1. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I have lost count, but I am up well over 50 quail chicks at this point. I have lost a few to some deformities (couple with wry neck that wouldn't get better, and a couple with yolk sacs attached that were dead in the incubator after hatching) but for the most part they have been pretty healthy...
  2. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I think we could manage that. I sent you a PM.
  3. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Came home to 4 more in my first batch of quail, so 31/50 have hatched in that group and this is the end of day 19. My second group was set in a Brinsea Eco Octagon 20 and is only 50 eggs (mostly home bred) and was set a day later. The temp and humidity have been consistently a bit lower being...
  4. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    My Quail are all Coturnix. They are the typical Wild and Golden color combination. Some of these chicks that were just born are Tibetan, and there may be some Tuxedos as well. The "newbies" from up north are colored a little different and the eggs vary from white with brown speckling to mint...
  5. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I just got started with Quail in October, but I picked up another rooster and a couple of hens from Modesto area a couple days ago, plus these that I just hatched will start mating in a couple months, so I could definitely sell you some eggs. I had to remove my rooster for a little while, and...
  6. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    So, I have good news, bad news, somewhat encouraging news, and more good news.... The good news is my little guy with splay leg apparently hated the band-aid so bad he kicked it off right away and the splay went away! Go figure. The bad news is I had to put down the little guy with wry neck...
  7. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I'm here in Tulare, too. Do you only raise ducks, or do you have any other birds?
  8. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Yep, the bigger ones with stripes and the yellow with stripes (hard to see) are (or at least should be) Jumbo Coturnix (Pharoah or Golden) and the little guys are Tibetan (British Range) that I had sent in from Texas. I am in California.
  9. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Up to 25 now. 1 in still sitting in the incubator. I swore I wouldn't help any, but the most recent (and possibly last in this group) to hatch had pipped and zipped right around the middle of the egg, and the membrane managed to dry out while I was pulling a group out. After 6+ hours of no...
  10. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Thanks, I am going to CVS after dropping off my son at preschool. Sounds like wry neck from what I am reading.
  11. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I'm up to 14 little quail this morning. There are at least another 6 or so in this batch that have pipped and starting to zip. I have one that I thought had splayed leg, but now his neck looks crooked too. I will try to post pictures later this morning.
  12. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Still just the one baby this morning, and no real sign of pipping or movement in the rest. Today is day 18, so not too worried yet. Not real high expectations for this group with my 1:9 ratio on my home flock and the rest being shipped with a number showing up broken (rough trip, I think)...
  13. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Terrible picture, I know, but my first hatched baby ever!!! Little Coturnix quail, pretty sure out of my flock. I will leave him/her in overnight and see how many I have in the morning, then move that group to the incubator! Can't wait to show my boys (4, 7) in the morning!
  14. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    First of two groups of Coturnix Quail (Pharaoh and Tibetan) just went on Lockdown. My first hatch. Some mailed eggs, some home bred. Wish me luck!
  15. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Yeah, I would love to at least hatch them inside. It has snapped cold (for us) and getting down to 25ish at night. The brooder house only gets to about 45, but I would have preferred to hatch them at least in the house. Anyway....question for some of you out there: one of my Brinsea Octagon...
  16. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I have 65 Tibetan Coturnix off Ebay, and 45 Jumbo Pharoah Coturnix in two incubators right now, due on the 16th. My first shot at incubating, using two Brinsea 20 Octagons, 1 advanced, 1 ECO. They are outside in sheds, and it has been getting cold at night, but they seem to regulate their...
  17. ggschulz

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Just put my first ever batch into the Bator! Octagon 20 Advanced with 44 Tibetan Coturnix quail (mail order eggs) and 20 Jumbo Pharoahs from my home flock. Of course I am crazy and ordered a 2nd Bator at the same time, (Octagon 20 ECO) and will put the remaining 22 or so Tibetans and another...
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