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  1. mame1616

    No more rats! Whee hee!

    Quote: Oh my gosh I am trying this tomorrow.. got to get plaster of paris.. then look out rats... thanks )O( Pink I tried a plaster of paris bait......all that happened was they pooped white rat turds!! I tried both peanut butter and plaster and also powdered sugar and plaster. Ditto. I...
  2. mame1616

    No more rats! Whee hee!

    OK - after several weeks of trying the Rat Rocks and having no luck at all, I finally had to revert to poison, as it seemed a new litter (another one!) had graduated from the nest. The Rat Rocks were eaten every time, and I went through two large jars of peanut butter, and a good size container...
  3. mame1616

    No more rats! Whee hee!

    Thanks - I'm making a second batch tonight. They take them, all right - after I dropped them around the ouside of the run, I went back around again and two were gone. I dip them in powdered sugar so I can see where I dropped them. I'll keep trying!
  4. mame1616

    No more rats! Whee hee!

    OK, I put out about 30 little grape-sized balls over the past three days, and I still see them running all over! How long does this take to work? They eat everything I put out, no matter where I put it, but it seems to have no effect. Any advice before I cave to poison?
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