No more rats! Whee hee!


You said that you've made about 30 grape sized balls in the past few days and still have mice. Are the balls disappearing or are they still there? If they are still there I would make more 'grapes'. You might have more mice than you think. I've used this method and it works like a charm. I can tell that other critters eat the dead rats because I often find odd pieces of peanut butter colored "rocks" in the fields.
Thanks - I'm making a second batch tonight. They take them, all right - after I dropped them around the ouside of the run, I went back around again and two were gone. I dip them in powdered sugar so I can see where I dropped them. I'll keep trying!
Slightly off topic, but just an anecdote I thought of. When I was a kid my dad put some rat poison in his workshop. Got a rat, then a snake ate the rat, and he found it dead. Two for one special...

Let me know if the second batch disappears also. Just a side note when I make my balls I make them about the size of a small meatball. The rats mice eat what they want and leave the rest for another slimy critter. This way it just saves time instead of making little balls. However I do have an aunt who counts the balls she makes and keeps track of her 'kills'.

At 84 she needs some entertainment.

I'm really interested in how you do. I love this way of getting rid of them.
This is so cool, I hope it works. I tried rat poision a few weeks ago and believe it cost me a few of my chickens. The rats must have ate the poision then died where the chickens could eat them because I found about 4 of my chickens dead that week but never saw the rats. I thought about getting a cat but am afraid it will also eat my chickens.
I don't think rat trapping is a sick or twisted hobby at all! I get a lot of cheap entertainment running the trapline. And I feel like a hero for ridding the world of some of it's vermin!
The peanut butter/plaster trick works great and most of the time you never have to deal with the remains!
OK - after several weeks of trying the Rat Rocks and having no luck at all, I finally had to revert to poison, as it seemed a new litter (another one!) had graduated from the nest. The Rat Rocks were eaten every time, and I went through two large jars of peanut butter, and a good size container of plaster, but nothing ever changed. I never wanted to use poison, but the situation got too bad. Now, I think they are all gone. I've found several of them around, plus I've smelled others under the deck or in the warrens they had built under the bushes. Thanks for all the great advice!
I'll be trying the plaster/peanut butter method in the next day or so myself. I set out traps last night with only one sprung- no rat and they ate all the peanut butter. I think I counted at least 5. Not good.
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