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  1. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    I’ve also been searching for similar issues, but it’s like you said there’s only ever the odd one and not a whole brood. The beaks have grown a lot since they hatched, here’s some comparative images:
  2. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    The water is both sourced in the jar cap (that Cookie is stood in in the picture) and the rodent drinker. They know how to drink from both but prefer the cap, the water is replaced every 2 hours just because they have a habit of stepping in it. They're certainly spending a lot of my hours trying...
  3. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    Unfortunately Purina feed is only available on the American version, it is inaccessible here.
  4. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    Quail starter is near impossible for me to find. Every viable looking source is in America only, and don't even allow orders - they ask you to find your local retailer for them. I can only find the German product Gra-Mix, which only has a measly 9% protein (and it dares to be listed as quail...
  5. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    Their faeces look fine. just a pebble of black and white, sometimes soft and sometimes hard. The egg food I'm using is called EMP Superior Egg Food, it contains no milk. The listed composition contains bakery products, cereals, toasted soya, sugars, seeds, vitamins and minerals, vegetable oils...
  6. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    I haven't tried sav-a-chick, it seems to be an American product so I can't source it. I'm currently using Aviform which is a blend of probiotics, prebiotics, and electrolytes. They're being kept in my bedroom, in an old bird cage fashioned out into a brooder area. They only have blue roll for...
  7. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    They were from eBay being sold as button quail eggs, so I know it was already a scam. I was told wry neck was a vitamin E deficiency, hence why I started adding supplements to try and raise their intake, but it didn't do anything for Plum's poor neck.
  8. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    Yes the brooder set up was too cold at first so they spent that extra week in the incubator. Once the first signs of feathering came through I retried the brooder and they have been doing well since, although the incubator still gets used on evenings for Chip ever since he stopped walking. He's...
  9. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    Here’s the set up. They’re on less heat than they were, no heat lamp only the heat pad, but they’re usually out and about all day and mostly go under to have a nap or in the evenings. The extra stuff I was adding was literally because they were originally just on crumb but weren’t growing...
  10. P

    Why Aren’t My Quail Developing?

    Hi all, My quail chicks are now 23 days old and we’re still having a very bizarre development process with them all. Seeing pictures of everyone’s Coturnix chicks have them almost adult sized and plumes by 14 days, but my clutch are still looking extremely similar to when they were a few days...
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