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  1. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    I think there is a brooder thread in the Coop Construction section here--you should post your brooder there. BTW, Fern is sleeping with the big girls tonight! She's 15 weeks old now, can you believe it? Riley, my cute barred EE pullet, is 10 weeks, so she's next.
  2. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    Nope, that does not look like the Face of Evil to me! Seems innocent enough.
  3. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    You probably dont need one larger, but I'd love a big brooder for occasions where I want to incubate chicks to sell locally. Then, I'm not limited to less than my Hova turner holds and I can keep them inside longer.
  4. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    Ladyhawk, that is awesome!! I love it! May have to get the DH to help me build one in an even larger size for the bsmt-maybe even on legs for easy access for us old folks.
  5. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    Look OUT! She has power equipment and she's not afraid to use it!
  6. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    Well, you could just send the lot of them back to Grammy, them being so bad an all .
  7. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    They really start to get the color when the wings come in. It's not the wing color that usually means male, but the area between the shoulders, on the back. That may be a little longer coming in, but if you already have back markings, may be your rooster.
  8. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    Probably doesn't mean anything except he's getting his color first, but lots of color down the shoulder/back area would most likely be a boy~
  9. speckledhen sent me bad eggs! update page 5

    They are all like that, really. You just have to grab the little beaks and hold them a sec and that will break them. They aren't aggressive, just feisty! They also notice everything. I say they are "mouthy" because they do explore with their beaks more than any other breed I've ever had...
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