Speckledhen...you sent me bad eggs! update page 5

I agree, I think this one is big enough for my little crew. If I started incubating more, I will certainly make a bigger one. The second coat of paint is drying on it now and then I can move the kiddos in and get the 'cheep' of approval.

I will post pics of the hoodlums in their new nursery for sure.

BTW those bad delawares are jumping up and down trying to get out of their tote. They think walking across my crafting table looks like the thing to do. Not happening. lol
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The nursery is finished and setup....YAY



They have their new long tray feeder and immediately started pigging out...do notice Cannonball on top of the feeder!


does this face look innocent of starting trouble to you?


Not to me.

they are very happy with the new nursery.
LOL just ask Cyn...when it cools off she can sell you some bad eggs too.
These are really bad ones. LOL

That's a great brooder you made,
to women with power tools! I got a drill press last Christmas.......

Spoiled Rotten Chicks
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oh that is cool...I want some knew chisels. I have a headboard design in mind that I want to make for our bed but I need new chisels to do the carving and such. LOL
Looks like a pretty classic case of stink eye to me! Wonder what you didn't do to Delaware satisfaction!! Perhaps a little TV in the corner and a beer fridge. Or a nice comfy sofa to lie on.

Looks great though LH! Excellent job!
Cyn...that is the face of cute evil...yes it is.

ranchhand...actuallly no but now you have me thinking...

insiderart...you know whaat I did not do? I did not let him out to run around and run amuck unchecked. lol

Thanks for the compliments...it isn't top of the line but it is functional and they like it.

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