Speckledhen...you sent me bad eggs! update page 5

My eyes were all big for a moment and then I sighed with relief! So cute--and those butts are BIG!
I hought you would get a kick of the antics...plus I wanted to show of my babies from Georgia. hehehehehe

EweSheep...you should have known better, you watched my hatching thread. LOL But they are 'bad eggs' spoiled rotten, demanding, attention hogs and into everything!

Wolf-Kim, I was afraid of that too so I actually PMd an administrator and warned them that the title was a bit nasty but the post was not anything but. LOL
I just love posts with titles like this that get the mod's feathers all in a ruffle
Those babes are sooo cute
Thanks all, I am thrilled with them for sure.

Speckledhen...Cannonball has 3 or 4 fuzzies/feathers on his back that are predominately black. The other one does not...does that mean something?
hmmmm well he better be a boy or my husband may send him for a sex change so he is a boy! He loves this chicken!

here he is being sweet and calm, a rare moment





Kira's baby is still predominately yellow with a few darker markings at the base of her soon to be shoulder feathers...but nothing like cannonball's sorry it is hard to see the markings on his back. I will try to get natural light pics later today when it warms up
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They really start to get the color when the wings come in. It's not the wing color that usually means male, but the area between the shoulders, on the back. That may be a little longer coming in, but if you already have back markings, may be your rooster.
that's what I thought and when I saw those 4 markings in the back and center shoulder area I almost giggled. LOL

Lordy DH will be a mess if this is not HIS rooster, especially if they are both girls. But no worries, that means I must try to incubate again!
But I hope little feisty is my rooster.
Ok Grandma...they had a meeting while I was out and they insist they will call you if I do not give them a bigger brooder immediately. *sigh* BRATS! So, I am off to the lumber store to make them a 28" x 18" brooder with hardwire cloth so they have a view and a locking top so I do not have to kill any cats (just in case). LOL They said they want to be able to see the TV from their brooder so a view front is required.

These were really bad eggs...spoiled, demanding, fiesty brats all of them. My 4 are being little angels of course.
Pics of the new nursery later. I am off like a herd of turtles!

PS: Last night they listened to my grandson's Baby Einstein CD of classical music. I demand my chickens be cultured and they seem to like it.
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