Chicken Breed Focus - Rosecomb Bantam


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
The Rosecomb is a very old breed of bantam, while little is known of its origins, the name “rosecomb” having been used to describe many bantams with that type of comb, the breed we know today as the Rosecomb is thought to have originated in Great Britain as far back as the 1400’s. In more recent years other breeds, including Hamburgs are known to have been used in Rosecomb breeding programs to improve the breed.

Rosecombs are a true bantam, they do not come in a standard size. Besides their large rose combs, other breed traits include the large round white earlobes, and also the extremely large sickle tail feathers on the males . They come in a wide range of colors with at least 26 listed by the American Bantam Association, though only three are recognized by the APA, Black, Blue and White, Black being the most popular. It is one of the most popular show birds with hobbyists today, and it was shown in the first North American poultry show in 1849.

Rosecombs can be difficult to rear, the males can suffer from poor fertility due to the rosecomb trait, and egg hatchability and chick viability can be poor. But, the adults are hardy birds, and in general a very friendly active happy breed, and extremely popular as a pet and popular in suburban gardens. They do make good foragers, and they tend to be good flyers. The hens are poor to fair layers of small white/cream eggs and they will occasionally go broody, they are usually good mothers.

It was recognized by the APA in 1874.


Breed purpose: Ornamental.
Comb Type: Rose
Broodiness: Occasional
Climate Tolerance: Average
Weight: 26oz males, 22oz females
Egg Productivity: Poor
Egg Size: Small
Egg Color: White/tinted


Rosecomb Rooster, picture @cns2782

Rosecomb rooster, picture @silkielover5

Rosecomb Hen, picture @cns2782

Rosecomb Flock, picture @cns2782

Rosecomb Cockerel Head @Msbear

Rosecomb Flock @Msbear

Rosecomb Pullet @Msbear

BYC Breed reviews:

General breed discussions & FAQ thread:

Do you own Rosecombs? Are you a Rosecomb breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!

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They are a really nice looking breed, love the tail feathers on the males. Will be interesting to hear from people who have them.
I had one Black Rosecombed Rooster. I loved him. He was beautiful and cocky with a personality to match. I would love to bond some nice birds to breed. Does any one have any for sale? I am in Middle Georgia.
I have several color varieties of Rosecomb that I got from a friend. These are delightful birds!
I enjoy seeing them free ranging with my large fowl flock. They are truly difficult to hatch in an incubator. Hen brooded chicks are far more vigorous. Their personalities are friendly, bold and humorous.

A Silver Blue brought her four chicks out of her hiding place in the barn at noon today...cute as little buttons! She is a puffball of defensive Mama. I scooped them up with Mom and have them in a cage for a week. Then I will put her and the chicks back down on the floor in the brooder room.

My Blue pairs have not laid in over six months. The Duckwing trio lays frequently only a few have hatched. The Birchen are more vigorous.

Will take photos to share.
I have several color varieties of Rosecomb that I got from a friend. These are delightful birds!
I enjoy seeing them free ranging with my large fowl flock. They are truly difficult to hatch in an incubator. Hen brooded chicks are far more vigorous. Their personalities are friendly, bold and humorous.

A Silver Blue brought her four chicks out of her hiding place in the barn at noon today...cute as little buttons! She is a puffball of defensive Mama. I scooped them up with Mom and have them in a cage for a week. Then I will put her and the chicks back down on the floor in the brooder room.

My Blue pairs have not laid in over six months. The Duckwing trio lays frequently only a few have hatched. The Birchen are more vigorous.

Will take photos to share.

I'd love to see a picture of the chicks!
As promised...a few photos
Rosecomb eggs compared to a LF Wyandotte egg. The hen with her four chicks. She was allowed to run in the brooder room with the other Rosecombs so not sure who the sire is. That is some serious stink eye she is throwing.

A Black Birchen with chick. The Blue pair

The young Duckwing trio...looks like he is doing a dance step in the first photo.
Thanks for sharing your photos, you have some lovely birds!
Very pretty birds Nanakat, the blues are lovely. The eggs are a nice size for such a small bird.

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