My girlie died this moring I opened her to find this.


5 Years
Sep 24, 2014

This is what called a lagh egg it's a huge puss ball. Rest in Pease my little girl.She sure went through some hell.
My girlie had been very sick for months now. I just thought she was egg bound. Upon a lot of searching I finally found that she had lagh eggs inside her. There puss balls. I helped her get one out yesterday but she passed this a.m. So I opened her to see just what I was dealing with and as you can see in the picture I posted she had that huge puss ball that must of kept growing inside her for months now.I strated noticing her waddle getting pale and she wasn't giving me eggs for a long time. I'm sure going to miss her. But I hope this helps someone out there that might be having the same kind of problems with there pullets. RIP Girlie.
Did you find pieces of shell when you opened her up? Maybe soft shells?

I think this is called egg binding..

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