
From Wikipedia:
"Mink prey on fish and other aquatic life, small mammals, birds and eggs; adults may eat young mink.[7] Mink raised on farms primarily eat expired cheese, eggs, fish, meat and poultry slaughterhouse by-products, dog food, and turkey livers, as well as prepared, commercial foods."
So, yes.
Oh great.


I don't suppose they are nocturnal... If they were I could just fix up my coop good and not worry much. But if they get out during the day... and this guy was too close for comfort... I saw him around 10 AM....
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Mink are just big weasels and, Yes, they will kill chickens You need a tight coop because they can get in through small holes. Like the weasel, they are blood thirsty little devils.
It might be easier to trap it, plus you could get money for the pelts. My brothers are trappers, in fact, one of them used to raise minks. They would be hard to shoot, small and fast.

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