chick slightly deformed...Spraddle?


11 Years
Oct 24, 2011
On the windy MA/NH border
I have a Polish chick that was trapped in an egg that I think he was too big for. It seems as though the beak is curved downwards. The right leg at first didn't want to work for it, but he eventually got it moving. Now, one toe is curved on that foot. The rightmost one, doesn't show much in pic. The chick walks funny, sort of waddles. The legs are only slightly apart, not like in the spraddle videos. He can walk, but he waddles and squats. squattles around? I've washed him but he hasn't fluffed great yet. Advice?
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I had a chick that had curved toes and walked funny... he grew up to be a beautiful white bantam rooster but he still walked funny, lol.
Your chick should be fine :)
no problem!
unfortunately, this little guy passed away after about 4 days. he wasn't growing, i think because he couldn't eat or drink well with his curved beak. he was an awesome little guy though--a very bold little chick.

his curved foot self-corrected, which is kind of interesting.
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