Post blank but edit shows content


11 Years
Jan 10, 2010
Vacationland, Maine
I posted something on a thread, it was a copy and paste and edit from a previous post of mine (I'm doing the contest posts for the Easter Hatch - so copying/editing and pasting are a staple of my life).

Today I copied and pasted and edited my post, then hit submit. It's submitting blank to the Easter Hatch Thread, but when I click on edit the post the content shows up.

I posted something on a thread, it was a copy and paste and edit from a previous post of mine (I'm doing the contest posts for the Easter Hatch - so copying/editing and pasting are a staple of my life).

Today I copied and pasted and edited my post, then hit submit. It's submitting blank to the Easter Hatch Thread, but when I click on edit the post the content shows up.


There's content above, I promise. The issue seems to be if I copy and paste an image into the thread, my whole post goes blank.
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The problem is in the way the images are being inserted into your posts. You are probably using the "copy image" feature which has been found to be buggy in some browsers. This can cause the problems you mention above where images inserted into a post cause the whole post to show as blank. I edited your second post and removed the images and that solved the problem with the text not showing.

You can read about the more reliable ways to insert images here:

For Geeks:

In some browsers the "copy / paste" of an image, especially "copy image" will copy the actual image and all the bytes of the image and insert them into the post vs. inserting the link to the image into the post. That means the post has millions of characters of text in the post code.

For example:

Here is the proper source code of a post with an image link:
img src=""

Here is the code in a post where the actual image data is stored in the post:
img src="data:image/png; base64, iVBORa45132hjd4sjhgd1j2h4d1k114AJDH4132VBORa45132hjd4sjhgd1j2h4d1k114AJDH431VBDH4132VBORa45132hjd4sjhgd1j2h4d1k114AJDH431VBORaORa45132hjd4sjhgd1jDH4132VBORa45132hjd4sjhgd1j2h4d1k114AJDH431VBORa2h4d1k114AJDH24..... and on for millions of characters..
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