springtime post your new chick pics

I found this 4 week old frizzle girl on Craigslist.
So I contacted the seller and went to her place to pick her up.
And I drove back home for 20 mins
Well this baby until now pass 4 hours , she refuse to eat and refuse to drink. And she doesn't walking. She makes some noise (less)

And what should i do? Is she tired from the seller trying to catch her? or somebody there were not gentle to her? So how can i do for her to help her eat and move?

I am worried, Thanks
Drinking water at her age is more important than eating if she is weak. Put a little a sugar in her water to see if that boosts her up a bit. Also make make sure she doesn't have pasty butt.
Here are my first ever chicks. They are supposed to be pullets so time will tell. For now, meet Molly and Penny

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