Chicken Nipples??


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Nor Cal
What does everyone think of the PVC waterer with the nipples attached? Do the hens like it? Is it reliable while on vacation? and does anyone have some instructions on how to make them, that they can point me to? Thanks a bunch!
I have three nipples mounted in a 5 gallon pail with a lid. My flock of 9 has 5 gallons of fresh poop free water. It works great just make sure you put it out of the sun to avoid heating it up. It took a little while to teach them to drink out it but once I got one to do the rest followed suit!
I have a gutter spout feeding into a 55 gallon barrel with 2" PVC fed into the pen with five nipples connected to it. The girls use it by prefer to drink out of the dog bowls on the deck. I also have a 3 gallon bucket with four nipples underneath hanging from a fence post in the middle of the yard they use as well. In the future I'm going to purchase the cup feeders.
I have a flock of 9 also that has a 5 gallon bucket. I think ours has 4 nipples, but my chickens picked up on it pretty quick.
Thank You all for the replies! Does anyone have a link they can post on a tutorial on the making of them?
There are tons of videos on youtube, this guy shows putting them in multiple different buckets, pipes, etc. It is really easy, and I was even able to get 20 on ebay for somewhere around $10 shipped.
I've made two. The first was a bucket with PVC pipe with the nipples in the pipe. The chickens took to it well but I found it difficult to clean since I had it threaded through the fence. I finally made one with the nipples mounted into the bottom of a "frosting" bucket I got from the grocery store. This one is inside the coop so the water stays cooler and fresh and is easier to clean when I need to. Hope this helps.
There are tons of videos on youtube, this guy shows putting them in multiple different buckets, pipes, etc. It is really easy, and I was even able to get 20 on ebay for somewhere around $10 shipped.
Oh yes, Duhh! I didn't even think of searching on YouTube, lol. Thanks so much!
I've made two. The first was a bucket with PVC pipe with the nipples in the pipe. The chickens took to it well but I found it difficult to clean since I had it threaded through the fence. I finally made one with the nipples mounted into the bottom of a "frosting" bucket I got from the grocery store. This one is inside the coop so the water stays cooler and fresh and is easier to clean when I need to. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the handy advice! :)
I made my own bucket with the nipples on the bottom. It's a heated bucket so that in the winter it does not freeze. One thing I'm worried about is if my chickens are getting enough water?? I have had the bucket up for 3 weeks now and they all know how to drink from it, but they all come running to the corner of the outside run when I turn the hydrant on and went crazy when I made a puddle of water in the run. Any ideas on this? Maybe they don't get enough water from the nipples? Anyone else with this problem?

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