Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection



7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
Northern California
First, thank-you for coming to this page. This page is established for the purpose of drafting cream legbar standards. What is the Cream Legbar Working Group? It’s all of those with vested interest in cream legbars, it’s this forum, it’s your ideas. What I’m offering is my time to pull together a draft standard that can be announced for review in 30 days. It can be the exact standard approved by Poultry Club of Great Britain or it can differ.

I am hoping others will offer their services and lead in the areas they feel best suited towards. If need be other forums will be established.

A few important things need to be accomplished.

1). Those with great insight and knowledge of BYC, we need to understand how BYC works. Can we confirm that BYC grants that these proceedings are also the legacy of a future cream legbar breed club and be used by such? The purpose here is to establish and protect rights to our ideas, which may be used on another website in the future.

2). Fact check! Post 2 is the standard as previously posted on The Legbar Thread. I’d like at least 2 people with physical copies of the British Poultry Standards to confirm that word for word the below is exact and accurate. I want to make sure we start with the exact written word.

3). Say, “Hi, I’m here to participate. Here’s how I might want to help.” Let us know what suits you and what goals or ideas you might have.

4). Collect preferences. You need to indicate if you feel the standard should be adapted in full, provisionally, or modified, and in what areas. If need be I will break the standard apart and we will discuss from head to toe, point by point.

Thank-you, feel free to begin!

P.S. I acknowledge this might be a rough and awkward start. Please, give a greeting of support, so folks can see there is interest to do this. It will help to break the ice! There is interest to do this right?
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The breed standard is as follows:
Origin: British

Classification: Light

Egg Colour: Blue, Green or Olive

General Characteristics:


Carriage : Very sprightly and alert, with no suggestion of stiltiness.

Type: Body wedge shaped, wide at the shoulders and narrowing slightly to root of tail. Back long, flat and sloping slightly to the tail. Breast prominent, and breast bone straight. Wings large, carried tightly and well tucked up. Tail moderately full at an angle of 45 degrees from the line of the back.

Head: Fine. Beak stout, point clear of the front of the comb. Eyes prominent. Comb single, perfectly straight and erect, large but not overgrown, deeply and evenly serrated (5 to 7 spikes broad at the base), extending well beyond back of the head and following, without touching, the line of the head, free from ‘thumb marks’ or side spikes. Face smooth. Ear-lobes well developed, pendent, smooth and free from folds, equally matched in size and shape. Wattles long and thin.

Neck: Long and profusely covered with feathers.

Legs and Feet: Legs moderately long. Shanks strong, round and free of feathers. Flat shins objectionable. Toes, four, long, straight and well spread.

Plumage: Of silky texture, free from coarse or excessive feather.

Handling: Firm with abundance of muscle.


The general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences, except that the comb may be erect or falling gracefully over either side of the face without obstructing the eyesight, and the tail should be carried closely and not at such a high angle.

Male: Neck hackles cream, sparsely barred. Saddle hackles cream, barred with dark grey, tipped with cream. Back and shoulders cream with dark grey barring, some chestnut permissible. Wings, primaries dark grey, faintly barred, some white permissible; secondaries dark grey more clearly marked; coverts grey barred, tips cream, some chestnut smudges permissible. Breast evenly barred dark grey, well defined outline. Tail evenly barred grey, sickles being paler, some whit feather permissible. Crest cream and grey, some chestnut permissible.

Female: Neck hackles cream, softly barred grey. Breast salmon, well defined in outline. Body silver grey, with rather indistinct broad soft barring. Wings, primaries grey-peppered; secondaries very faintly barred; coverts silver grey. Tail silver grey, faintly barred. Crest cream and grey, some chestnut permissible.

In both sexes: Beak yellow. Eyes orange or red. Comb, face, and wattles red. Ear-lobes pure opaque, white or cream, slight pink markings not unduly to handicap an otherwise good male. Legs and feet yellow.

Male 2.70-3.40kg (6-7lb)
Female 2-2.70kg (4-6lb)

Serious defects:
Male's comb twisted or falling over, Ear-lobes wholly red. Any white in face. Legs other than orange, yellow or light willow. Squirrel tail.

Side sprigs on comb. Eye pupil other than round and clearly defined. Crooked breast. Wry tail. Any bodily deformity.

Scale of points:
Type 30
Colour 20
Head 20
Legs 10
Condition 10
Weight 10
I am here to do what I can for this wonderful breed and the great chicken owners that have them.

Thanks for getting the ball rolling for the group. I for one appreciate how you are approaching this.

With the generous support from Gff, the interested persons, and of course our feathered friends, I'm thinking this will be very fun.

''Build it and they will come''. - from ''field of dreams'', right? I will be back tonight!
Watching with great interest. As I do not yet have any Cream Legbars, I obviously can't contribute anything of worth, but I certainly support these efforts. I will join a CL club that is formed and plan to breed my birds towards whatever SOP is decided upon.

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