Sick Pea Chick Died - Going to Vet School For Necropsy - Will Post Results


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
On this past Sunday, I went outside to do a random check of the animals and I noticed that one of my pea chicks (born July 12, 2012 - will be 3 months old on October 12, 2012) was standing inside one of the chicken stalls with droopy wings. Her head was hunched back as to rest on top of her back. She appeared to be weak, tired, sleepy (lethargic). I kept my eye on her while watching my other greedy pea chick choking on her crumble and foaming from her mouth from eating too fast and not drinking any water. :/ After I revived that pea and brought her back to life, I continued to monitor the other pea that had droopy wings. At first I though she was cold because the temps were 55 degrees this weekend and I noticed that the younger poults appeared to be cold. I picked up the pea and rubbed her neck and felt her body. Her neck felt bony, her crop didn't have any food in it and she felt light. Her feathers also looked ruffled. So, I knew something was wrong just by the way she was standing off to the side alone. She moved a few inches and and poo-ed. Her poop was watery and had a yellow-ish green color. Once I saw that, I knew something was wrong. So, I immediately brought her inside. (see pics of her below). This is what she looked like.




I logged online to look for symptoms and illnesses or anything telling me why my pea's poop was watery and yellow and green. I came across so much information and all of it overwhelmed me during my immediate crisis. I have NEVER dealt with any type of peafowl illness, so I was scared. I have dealt with many chicken, turkey, duck , sheep and rabbit issues but this was a first. So, I turned to my Peafowl Expert/Consultant (BYC's own TerriLaChicks). I also got my first 2 Pea hens from Terri and I know she knows a lot about peafowl. I texted Terri and she called me back within no time. Terri and I talked and she narrowed it down and recommended medication. From the symptoms that I provided to Terri, it sounded as if it was Cocci. Terri suggested that I get Sulmet. I went to Tractor Supply but they did not have any. I called around and finally found a store that had Sulmet solution. (see pic below)


I finally made it back home. When I read the directions, I was even more confused. :idunno So, I called my dear friend/pea fowl expert/pea fowl consultant Terri for help yet again. Between Terri and I reading and suggesting and texting, we figured out what we thought was a correct dosage. (If anyone else can explain dosages per weight, PLEASE advise.)


(sulfamethazine sodium)
Drinking Water Solution, 12.5%

Dosage: Poultry: Add 2 tablespoons (1 fl oz) to each gallon of drinking water, or the contents of 1 gal (3.7 L) container to 128 gallons, or contents of 16 fl oz (473 mL) container to 16 gallons. Following administration directions below, this will provide a recommended dose of approximately 61 to 89 mg/lb/day (134 to 196 mg/kg/day) body weight in chickens and 53 to 130 mg/lb/day (117 to 286 mg/kg/day) body weight in turkeys, depending upon the dosage, age and class of chickens or turkeys, ambient temperature, and other factors.

Now, how in the world was I to know how to convert mg to mg/cc's (as read on my needless syringes)? :idunno I also called LSU Medical School (ER) and they also helped me with the dosage the best that they could without seeing the pea and weighing it themselves.

So, I placed my girl on the scale and the scale read 2.4 lbs. It didn't feel like she weighed 2.4 lbs but I guess. :/

As I weighed her, she poo'ed again. It was very watery. (see graphic pic below)


So, I mixed the Sulmet and water and drew up what I thought was a correct dosage. She didn't fight at all. She let me medicate her. This was at 3:15 PM on yesterday. I had also stopped by the drug store and picked up some Enfamil Poly-Vi-Sol liquid vitamins (without iron). This is great to use. I have used this many times before with my turkeys. So, I gave her a dose of the the liquid vitamins. (see pic below)


I then mixed up some cat food (30% protein - she hadn't eaten all day) and some of her crumble feed and warm water. I mixed it up until it was a watery substance so that it could easily slide down her throat. I hand fed her with no problems. I then placed her in a large pet carrier and placed the pet carrier in a dark, cool room with no distractions and noises. I checked on her every 15 minutes because I was paranoid. :/ She did well.

She rested the rest of the evening. I administered another dose of Sulmet and liquid vitamins at 8:30 PM last night. I also fed her again. I could tell that she had more life at 8:30 PM. She was beginning to look better. I placed her back in her pet carrier and said a prayer. :fl I checked on her every 30 minutes before I went to bed.

I woke up this morning at 6:00 AM and she was still alive. THANK GOD!. I called her name and she immediately turned her head and looked at me. She had more movement this morning than she had on yesterday. I took her out of her pet carrier to give her her meds and to feed her. I saw her poo and it looked SO much better. (see graphic poo pic below). Her poo is no longer watery. It is firm now.



After feeding her, I put her down in the kitchen and she started looking and walking around and wondering where in the heck was she. She has more life and was very alert this morning. She was a little feisty this morning during her feeding but that was good to see. I didn't mind at all. Before leaving, I left her medicated Sulmet water and crumble in her pet carrier.

The dosage is for 6 days. I hope that she makes a full recovery.

Just want to say thanks to TerriLaChicks for helping me with my pea emergency on yesterday. :bow :bow I could not have done this without Terri. Terri is the only "Pea Person" in my area who has experience.

While searching online yesterday, I also found a great site that I have bookmarked and will print out for home. I am making sure I have all meds needed for any future emergencies. If this feed store would have been closed and I would not have been able to get the Sulmet, I think my pea would have died. I still have 5 more days to go. The fight is not over yet. Please send good vibes our way that my pea makes a full recovery. Medications.htm

If anyone has experienced Cocci with their peafowl or anything else that sounds similar to this emergency, please feel free to post your stories and the care that you provided to your pea.

ETA: I just wanted to add that although the directions want you to mix the Sulmet in their water for them to drink on their own, I didn't do that. I used a needless syringe and gently drizzled the medicated water in its mouth. Time was of the essence and my pea was not going to drink any water, so I had to intervene or else I think it would have died overnight.

DAY #2 & DAY #3 - Post #17

DAY #4 - Post #41

DAY #5 - Post #143
Day #1 - 2.47 lbs
Day #2 - 2.40 lbs
Day #3 - 2.61 lbs
Day #4 - 2.52 lbs
My Pea Chick Died this morning 10-12-2012 - Post # 207 & Post # 209
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Sulmet is a great thing to have on hand, i use it when i suspect bacterial infections in anything here and it clears them right up.
Glad he is doing better and i will be praying for his speedy recovery, these little ones do this sometimes i think they are testing us LOL

Bad thing is it is apperently off the shelves for good at tractor supply now i have to by a 60 dollar bottle of tablets to keep on hand, they did the same thing with the eye meds Terramycin , i have some on hand now but don't know if i can get it online..
Sulmet is a great thing to have on hand, i use it when i suspect bacterial infections in anything here and it clears them right up.
Glad he is doing better and i will be praying for his speedy recovery, these little ones do this sometimes i think they are testing us LOL

Bad thing is it is apperently off the shelves for good at tractor supply now i have to by a 60 dollar bottle of tablets to keep on hand, they did the same thing with the eye meds Terramycin , i have some on hand now but don't know if i can get it online..

Thank you.

You are right about them testing us. LOL. I also think I will do something different next time. I put my 2nd batch of peas outside too early. I didn't put my white pea out until he was older. Next time, I will keep them off of the ground until they are about 4 months old. I don't know if his little immune system couldn't fight off whatever got inside of his little body.

Sorry to hear that TSC removed this from the shelf. I paid $9.99 for the bottle that I bought. And Terraymcin is off the shelf as well? WOW! I wonder if my vet still has some. I think I need to stock up. If I could, I could buy you some and send it your way but I don't know if I would get in trouble with the postal system from mailing medication. :oops:

I wish they stop removing the good meds from the shelves. :mad: Someone else told me that they removed the liquid Baytril from the shelves. But my vet still lets me buy the Baytril tablets.
I'm so glad she's better Julie!
Who would ever think a picture of perfect poop would be such a happy sight, lol!

For the record, I am definitely a long way from "expert" status though. I can only say Thank God for the BYC search engine & the UPA site - that's where I go for information & I can honestly say I have always found answers!
I'm so glad she's better Julie!
Who would ever think a picture of perfect poop would be such a happy sight, lol! :p

For the record, I am definitely a long way from "expert" status though. I can only say Thank God for the BYC search engine & the UPA site - that's where I go for information & I can honestly say I have always found answers!


You are so right about poop being a happy sight. :lau I told my friends and co-workers the same thing . They were like, you're happy for firm POOP. I was like YES!!! :lau I even emailed pics of poo as if I was emailing pics of a new born baby. :gig

And you're an expert in my eye Terri. ;)

I will keep everyone posted. 5 days is a long way to wait for a recovery. :/
Thank you.
You are right about them testing us. LOL. I also think I will do something different next time. I put my 2nd batch of peas outside too early. I didn't put my white pea out until he was older. Next time, I will keep them off of the ground until they are about 4 months old. I don't know if his little immune system couldn't fight off whatever got inside of his little body.
Sorry to hear that TSC removed this from the shelf. I paid $9.99 for the bottle that I bought. And Terraymcin is off the shelf as well? WOW! I wonder if my vet still has some. I think I need to stock up. If I could, I could buy you some and send it your way but I don't know if I would get in trouble with the postal system from mailing medication.

I wish they stop removing the good meds from the shelves.
Someone else told me that they removed the liquid Baytril from the shelves. But my vet still lets me buy the Baytril tablets.
Mine are outside on the ground with a brooder box and entry way that have heat lamps in them at all times unless it is warm outside , they go in there if they get chilled and take naps in there when it is cloudy outside and they can not sunbath for real, mine range from 5 weeks to 6 months but the older ones are behind in feather growth and size, 5 of them are roosting the other two stay under the light, but when it got down to 50 degrees all of them were uner the lights at 3 in the morning.

I have a feeling they are taking the good meds from the shelve because people will use them on themselves and they do work on people just like animals, it is something i thought of when i started seeing these meds either go way up on quantity's and price other wise you could not get them, my papaw was known to give himself a shot of cam biotic back in the day .
Thank you.

You are right about them testing us. LOL. I also think I will do something different next time. I put my 2nd batch of peas outside too early. I didn't put my white pea out until he was older. Next time, I will keep them off of the ground until they are about 4 months old. I don't know if his little immune system couldn't fight off whatever got inside of his little body.

Sorry to hear that TSC removed this from the shelf. I paid $9.99 for the bottle that I bought. And Terraymcin is off the shelf as well? WOW! I wonder if my vet still has some. I think I need to stock up. If I could, I could buy you some and send it your way but I don't know if I would get in trouble with the postal system from mailing medication. :oops:

I wish they stop removing the good meds from the shelves. :mad: Someone else told me that they removed the liquid Baytril from the shelves. But my vet still lets me buy the Baytril tablets.

Mine are outside on the ground with a brooder box and entry way that have heat lamps in them at all times unless it is warm outside , they go in there if they get chilled and take naps in there when it is cloudy outside and they can not sunbath for real, mine range from 5 weeks to 6 months but the older ones are behind in feather growth and size, 5 of them are roosting  the other two stay under the light, but when it got down to 50 degrees all of them were uner the lights at 3 in the morning.

I have a feeling they are taking the good meds from the shelve because people will use them on themselves and they do work on people just like animals, it is something i thought of when i started seeing these meds either go way up on quantity's and price other wise you could not get them, my papaw was known to give himself a shot of cam biotic back in the day .:old

I am mentally preparing for pea hatching next year. I need to get started early because I am preparing to have a gazillion peas. :gig

Sounds like they will force responsible pet owners to seek out avian vets for our birds. Sounds like the good will suffer for the bad. I guess we better stock up on what we need for a few years and while the expiration dates are still good.

LOL @ your papaw. Are you serious? :gig Did the shot help him? :oops:

Can anyone think of any other pea meds or "go to's" that we pea owners should have on hand in the case of a pea emergency? This weekend really put a scare in me and I don't want to get caught again and not have any meds.
Well i guess the shot helped, he gave himself a weeks worth, of course now that i am older i think after a week it would have been better anyhow because he got a god awful bruise on his leg from where he poked himself ,that took a while to clear up. danged if ya do danged if ya don't he use to say..
Well i guess the shot helped, he gave himself a weeks worth, of course now that i am older i think after a week it would have been better anyhow because  he got a god awful bruise on his leg from where he poked himself ,that took a while to clear up. danged if ya do danged if ya don't he use to say..

I talked to my avian vet's office this morning (same vet I brought my Mr. Turkey to see - 1 1/2 hours away but WELL worth the trip to save my bird). His office said that I could always just bring in a poop sample and they can test it to see what is wrong with my birds and prescribe meds. And the test is only $10.00. I don't guess they would necessarily have to see the bird because the proof would be in the poo. I guess I could just tell him the symptoms. But in the event one of my birds was on their death bed, I would bring them in to see the vet.

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