my sexing article...


8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
i just compleated my sexing article on here and it could use some more pics on some parts. if you want to take a look and see if you have any pics that you wouldn't mind me using please pm them to me. i think it is easier for yall to go take a look at it to get an idea of the type of pics i am looking for to add to this.

i am looking for some pics showing leg width differences, over all coloring differences in your chicks such as partridge coloring, and some baby silkie pics that you know the gender of as well as some pics of sebrights 2 showing a young pullet and a cockerel and 2 showing grown sebrights or any other hen feathered breed will also work. thank you to anyone who helps. i kow i started on this a long time ago and kept forgetting to post the link for those who asked for it before and were helping here is the link now, sorry it took so long. i also submitted it to the contest. i hope it helps everyone out.

idk if this is considered a cross post but if it is: i am sorry and you can delete it. i hope it is not considered a cross post
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Partridge colour difference I can show you.
Partridge silkie rooster (born end of May - so 6 months old here)
Partridge female - 7 months old here. Gold colour is more muted.
Male silkie chick at 3 weeks old
EEs coloured like this are almost always boys.
Partridge cochin hen
8 week old partridge cochin cockerel
Full grown (huge colour difference)
Colour difference in barred rock chicks
Sex linked colour in wings. Deep red. Doesn't matter the breed - always a boy
Red coming in on this silkie's wings - boy.
Here he is @ 10 weeks. at this point he was sold, but is confirmed to be a boy.
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oh i forgot if anyone have pics of chicks that were winged sex and have good clear pics of them, the wings (please take a look at the article for an example from feathersite), if you do not mind me using them please post them. thank you
here's what that part says and your pic is the perfect example of when it doesn't work and why i really dont use it :) : there are times when you can tell the gender of a chicken by its leg width. a young cockerels legs will be a bit thicker than a pullets leg will be but i do not usually go by this as some pullets/hens have some thick legs as well.
here's what that part says and your pic is the perfect example of when it doesn't work and why i really dont use it :) : there are times when you can tell the gender of a chicken by its leg width. a young cockerels legs will be a bit thicker than a pullets leg will be but i do not usually go by this as some pullets/hens have some thick legs as well.
The only boys I found had thicker legs than the girls (noticeably thicker) was my NNs.
though this black one is a girl, and she does seem to have thick legs as well :lol:
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Hrm, I don't mean to confuse your article, but when I first got RedSLs, there were no clear pictures on the internet of the differences between males and females. I looked and looked for pictures of their backs, but no dice. It turns out that males CAN have markings on their backs (which was what I was struggling to find out), though they still tend to be much lighter overall.

Here's a pic of my oopsy male in my Red SL order:

Everything that I read just said "Males are light yellow", and made no mention of markings, which lead me to believe that they shouldn't have them. It was quite a surprise when Goldylocks turned into Goldbert.

Just thought I'd put that out there, in case you planned on talking about SLs :)
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