I have to brag a little. Had such an amzing day yesterday


Spam Hunter
12 Years
Nov 6, 2009
This is something I posted on FB just now. I'm still amazing and I needed to share this with my chicken family. Remember I am pasting this in, so name mentioned are my kids. Some of them. LOL

Just want to say that if you want something, it's never to late!!!

I had an amazing day yesterday. Just got home from Olivia's. First time EVER that all 6 of my kids were together, but things were so crazy I SILL DON"T HAVE A PIC OF ALL TOGETHER!!! arrrggg One thing I've always... wanted and still don't have. Something else I wanted though I got.

I've been going crazy for days, because Miguel was coming up from LA and Olivia, is such an organizer and worked her butt off to get all us together for an event at her kids' college. A type of important fundraiser. My Olivia has always been a very driven woman, kid, teen. Never had a grade below 4.0 ever. She started reading at 3 and never stopped. When she was in elementary school a friend who was extremely intelligent (at least with academic type things) decided he was going to test her one day with math. She was 8. He put numbers into a calculator as he was giving them verbally to her. She could do percentages in her head faster than he could push the + button.

My Livi played drums, sang in groups and choirs, the kids were involved with marching units, she joined clubs. She was just a gung-ho kid. She was a teen mom, but they had a huge meeting once with staff from all over who mainly attended, because the wanted to meet the girl that did 1 1/2 years work in 3 months. She got quizzed and I had people there telling me she was amazing. ummm I already knew that. She graduated a year early from high school and went on to a JC to make up for some classes she was able to take in high school. She started working at Safeway and after baby #3, she became a single mom (off and on), so she took time out to work to support her kids. She had also been excepted to UC Davis.

We all met at her house yesterday. Oriana called everyone's attention and started talking about her amazing sister. We said Wonder Woman. When she first started school, she would draw pictures of Wonder Woman and then sign them. Whenever I saw another parent they'd ask "Isn't she the one that thinks she's wonder Woman?" LOL

When she was going to Headstart, she came home from school one day and all she ever talked about was being a doctor. This day though, she said "Mommy, should I be a doctor or a lawyer?' I said "Baby, you can be anything you want to be as long as it's something that does good things." MY OLIVIA'S ANSWER??? "Well, I want to be a doctor. BUT, if I'm a lawyer I can handle malpractice suits." WTH???? She was 4!!! I have no idea how she even knew that!! My friends and I just looked at each other with our mouths open.

Like I said, the babies were being born. She was in labor with one of the girls and looked at me and said "I know I'm going to be a doctor, but as of now I'm going to be a OB/GYN! Heck with me paying them, I'm going to be the one being paid!" LOL

Olivia bought her own house alone while raising 4 kids alone. Then she had a bigger house built and her and Jason are looking for a new one now.

At work she had problems then she pushed herself so hard to be where she wanted to be, there were people who made comments and some still do, but she wanted to at least be a store manager and has been for several years. She married Jason exactly 2 years before Bill died. He got to walk her down the aisle, but he didn't get to see what I got to see yesterday.

So after Oriana's announcement that she had the Super Woman sister, and was corrected, because we all yelled Wonder Woman, my baby walked into the living room, in her cap and gown. I had no idea she was even attending, but it's funny. Yesterday I was thinking how cool it would be if we were going to her graduation. All I could say is "I KNEW IT!!"

I can't believe that so many people kept this a secret. Olivia has been putting her 3 oldest through that same school, but she managed to go in and beat them out as far as graduating! LOL Her and Jason have 4 more to put through school, so that a very busy family. I either get left out of the loop, or the fear of Olivia was impressed upon the few that knew.

My baby really is Wonder Woman. She's amazing! She's kind, thoughtful, strong, extremely intelligent and a great person. My baby did all of this while working full time, being a mom and along with everything else she does, but she finally did something she's wanted to do since she was a tiny little girl.

First graduation, now on to UC, majoring in biology. I'm so happy and excited for her. To say I'm proud of her, has never even touched it.

I love you Olivia

It was great. I wondered if I'd ever get to see her graduate from a college. Hope I'm around when she finishes.
What an amazing family you have! They certainly pulled a nice surprise.
Thanks everyone. Something I didn't mention was that her very first grandbaby was there. She's been a grandma since Dec 16th. So there was 4 generations of us there. Man were we loud. LOL

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