Is three weeks too early to sex Cuckoo Marans?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 8, 2013
I have 9 Cuckoo Marans chicks and due to zoning cannot keep any roos. Would like to sex as early as possible before my kids get any more attached! :)

I can post pictures this evening if someone is expert enough with this breed to identify this early.

Thanks in advance from a total newb!

If they have started to feather out, people can make an educated guess on their gender at that age. It wouldn't be 100% though. Post the pics :) Gender can be reasonably determined by color in barred breeds and of course guesses can be made from the appearance of the wattles and comb but it may be too early for that.
Here are the pictures and my (uneducated) guesses

Pic 1= Rooster

Pic 2 Rooster

Pic 3 Rooster

Pic 4 Hen

Pic 5 Hen

Pic 6 Hen

Pic 7 Rooster

Pic 8 Hen

C'mon experts! How'd I do?

thanks in advance for your help! :)
And yes, before you ask...that IS a Butter Cornsnake in the background. My house is a regular menagerie. One chick got into the bearded dragon enclosure while taking these pics! :)

And the cats were really interested as well! :)
(still learning and dont take my word for it!!) But I think you are right in your guesses.
I've heard you can sex them when they hatch by a few ways. The pullets will have a black line running down their legs as well as a darker head where as the cockerels will have a larger yellow spot on the head. I've also heard pullets have a black spot on the beak.
Are you asking early so you can feed the chicks to the snake while they are still small ?
Nah! I've got a friend who will take the roosters. Or the breeder will give me credit on next years brood. The snakes eat mice! :)

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