Opinions on Breed and Gender


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 27, 2013
Hello, this is my first post here
, so be gentle, I'm new at this :). Anyway, about 5 weeks ago, my family and I purchased 10 chicks (for the first time ever) from a local, non-professional, breeder. I'm pretty sure that none of them are one pure breed.

On his property he had both roosters and hens that were: Black Marans, Americaunas, Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, and Buff Orpingtons.

There are (as of right now) 3 that to us seem to be "rooster-like." We think this because of their slightly more aggressive behavior, and their increasingly red and large combs.

I would like some opinions on the gender and breed of these 3 chickens.Here are some pictures of when they were 2 or 3 weeks old, and pictures now ( at 7 weeks old):

Pipsqueak (bantam): 2 weeks old

Pipsqueak (bantam): 7 weeks old (sorry for pic quality, he wouldn't stand still!)

Robin: 2 weeks (we know he is RIR, but is he anything else too?)

Robin: 7 weeks

Merle: 2 weeks (we know Black Maran, but anything else too?)

Merle: 7 weeks (Merle is the largest of the flock)

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I think pipsqueak is a leghorn pullet. Leghorns get large combs, so it's not uncommon for you to see some pink there. Robin looks like a cockerel. Merle could go either way, but right now I'm thinking pullet.
Thank you for the quick response! Are there any signs of another type of breed in Robin and Merle?
White Leghorn type pullets will have big combs in comparison to most breeds, but that pink and with pink wattles at that age, I would say there is a good chance that is a boy.
The other two, same thing, that is a lot of pink comb for pullets. Both do appear to have pea combs, so are probably Ameraucana crosses. Just because of the colors I would go with RIR and Marans for the other half of the two.
I have a cockerel that looks just like robin. I crossed a RIR and a buff brahma, but mine has feathered legs. I would say a RIR crossed with either an ameraucana or an easter egger.
Thank you everyone for all the help! It seems like the opinions are fairly varied, so at about what time should I be able to know the genders for sure?

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