Is this egg bound?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 24, 2013
Found my little lady with a swollen behind today. Have had to clean her behind previously and she seems to get matted feathers, but now there is this swelling. Did thorough exam, everything feels soft inside and out, like swollen soft tissue, cant feel an egg. Soaked her in a betadine bath, started tetracycline, have her separated. Any ideas?

Was her bottom messy with poop? Poop will burn them.

She could have tumors, internal lay, egg yolk peritonitis, etc. if you don't feel an egg, then is probaly is not egg bound. Do a search on ascites as well.
No poop stuck to her, this morning I "helped" her pass a normal egg, although maybe she would've done that on her own. Swelling down a little and still eating drinking and pooping. Everything felt "normal" in there as far as I can tell...although I normally deal with dogs and cats, everything seemed in place. Hoping it isn't some sort of hernia, but either way we will keep her separated for a couple of weeks bc of antibiotics anyways, and hopefully she is on the mend!! just seems like an odd place for swelling! Thanks!
poop is normal, she is swollen but its reducable, soft, not like ascites/edema.
plus she is nice and pink and alert. Its not really her abdomen, sort of behind where their abdomen is. still concerned about hernia, but will just have to watch and see what happens. As long as she is eating and bright, im happy
plus she is nice and pink and alert.  Its not really her abdomen, sort of behind where their abdomen is.  still concerned about hernia, but will just have to watch and see what happens.  As long as she is eating and bright, im happy

Sometimes they get a fat buildup there and that can make it hard to pass eggs.


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