What are some of your bird's funny quirks?


5 Years
May 8, 2014
We have a special member of our flock, a Dark Cornish, we usually just refer to her as, Brown Bird. She is a great layer, an adventurist and full on anarchist. She is ALWAYS up to something she shouldn't be doing...and I mean UP to something. She often jumps to high places. Like on top of the coop, shes perched on the top of doors, (which is hysterical when the wind swings the door she just sits up there and sqwaks!) She always finds funky places to hang out like in wheel wells and if we leave our car hood open she will most certainly hop in to check things out. Perhaps we can teach her how to change the oil...

Our rooster, Rachel, LOVES Brown Bird. He follows her everywhere! What a chore THAT is!  All my other birds will be happily scratching in the woods together and Brown Bird would have found a tiny window to hop into and be hanging out in our RV! And Rachel always tries to find her. It's funny watching those two because often times she will be in the greenhouse, which she has established as her own personal dust bath house, and she will call for Rachel and the little bantam roo comes DASHING out of the woods to tend to her needs. Then once he arrives shes already moved onto the next thing.

Sorry Rachel shes just not that into you. This gal lives life in the fast lane!

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Sounds like you've got some really interesting "chicken TV" going on at your place! It was fun reading your post. I don't have anything quite as funny but I do have a SLW who is probably my prettiest bird. Yet, she is the loudest one I've got. I can always hear her over everyone else. Her name is Lily and she has quite the deep, raspy cluck. She cracks me up!
My favorite has to be one of my buff orpingtons. She follows me all around the yard like a puppy. Funny thing is that she is often walking side-by-side with my actual dog! If she gets too far away, she comes darting to catch up. Very sweet girl.

The other is a golden comet. She is the smallest of my girls, but boy is she the boss! The funniest thing with her is how she helps me weed. The minute she sees me bend down to pick a weed she is there! It's like she has figured out that I can turn up the dirt for her and save her a step. :) If I'm not going fast enough she'll peck at my gloves. It is actually helpful, because she loosens the dirt.

The others all have endearing quirks, too, but those two stick out in my mind.
All your birds sound so sweet!

I absolutely love how chickens interact with people and each other :)

It is the cutest thing to watch them run too.

I'm totally obsessed with my birds! Love them more each day.
My birds come running when we call "ohhhh biiiiiiirrrrrdddssss!" They dash to us with the quickness knowing we have special treats when we call for them. My friends think it's pretty hysterical how they come when theyre called. Lol

The chickens are so much better behaved than my dog who hardly ever shows any interest when we call HIS name. Ugh, beagles.

I have my Birds & my Burden. Sigh.

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