Tapeworm in Hens - Prazinquantrel dosage needed


7 Years
Mar 23, 2012
Wisconsin - Fox Valley
Hi everyone,
So at least one of my three Barred Rock Hens has tapeworm, which I understand to be the hardest of the worms to kill. I read that prazinquantel is the best for this type of worm, but it's not made for hens. So I picked up some cat tabs, they are 23 mg each. If 1 tablet is the dosage for a 5-11 lb cat, would that be a safe amonut per hen? Will they need more than one dose? I read that I shouldn't eat the eggs for a few days, any one have experience with this?
Any and all advice is appreciated.
Sara in WI
So, when you 'withold feed', does that mean just their 'chicken food'? My birds free range in the yard and are certainly snacking all day :)
Thanks again,

So, when you 'withold feed', does that mean just their 'chicken food'? My birds free range in the yard and are certainly snacking all day :)
Thanks again,

Yes, you would need to keep them up so they don't eat anything for 24 hours. Tapeworm is very hard to get rid of completely in chickens.
Tapeworm is really not a big emergency, so you could wait for a rainy day to keep them put up, unless you want to treat right away..
OK..so I got the Zimectrin Gold and the hens are at the start of their 24 hours without feed...will I need to throw away eggs for a few days after dosing them?
Thanks for all your help!
OK..so I got the Zimectrin Gold and the hens are at the start of their 24 hours without feed...will I need to throw away eggs for a few days after dosing them?
Thanks for all your help!
The praziquantel dose recommended for chickens in Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook is 10mg/kg (10mg per 2.2 pounds). Your cat pill will work if you give the right dose.

I haven't double checked this yet, but I think 1ml of Zimectrin Gold will have 15.5mg ivermectin and 77.5mg of praziquantil.


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