Swollen foot with ?boil?


12 Years
Nov 1, 2010
Northern L.P. Michigan
My Malay rooster is a year old. He is in a cement floored coop with pine shavings. Three weeks ago he began limping with no injury site. A week later his foot appeared swollen and I checked him over again but no bumble foot or injury site. I thought he may have injured it jumping of the high roost or fighting with another rooster. This week the swelling has been huge but no other change. I was willing to treat but didn't know what to do for him. Over the last 24 hours he has developed a huge boil or something. My thought was to soak his foot and drain it but I am really not sure. Also I don't know what kind of antibiotic I should give for this. Any advice?
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Bumble foot can present on the top of the foot too...have you seen the chicken chick's article/video on diy bumblefoot surgery?
I'd lance and wrap a cotton ball soakef in iodine on it. ; looks like an infected cut or sliver??? Wrap good and if you can't keep it water proof do a light spray of red cote over top of the wrap. Just don't let him stand on you! (Stains) If it starts puffing back up we will have to stew on the antibiotics.
If it is bumble the iodine will take some swelling down and clean so the scab is visable. I use a sugar iodine mix to a paste to draw, good for human boils too.

What concerns me is the speed that it puffed?? Bumble is usually slow to present. Will need surgery if it is bumble. Also around his spur looks red in the pic?
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Oh, this is a classic case of bumblefoot for sure...

I'm also sure that it will need surgery to remove the kernel and squeeze all the white pus gunk out of there....not a pleasant experience for either of them...
It turns out to be bumble foot. I found out the hard way. So what you can't tell from the picture is the black is not hard like a scab but juicy like a cyst. So I went to get him off the roost just to soak his foot and it exploded all over me! Very gross. So I then put on latex gloves a bit late and soaked it. It was still oozing and I showed hubby who has preformed all our bumble foot surgeries. He gave it a big squeeze and an inch long stand of stuff came out. So he decided to do more. Two more corns came out but more are in there. I was not prepared to do more tonight as nothing was sterile. So at least one more surgery for him. The weird thing is I kept checking him for bumble foot and the black scab every couple days because that was the logical choice with his size. He has never had a scab or any injury site on his foot top or bottom. At least I know how to treat it now. I sprayed the hole in the side of his foot with Vetrycin, put antibiotic ointment on gauze to pack it and then wrapped it. He is back on the roost now.
Fuzzy I'm thinking the infection may have gotten in around a claw. The back toe has a small black scab next to it. I peeled it off and it has fresh skin but now I'm wondering.
Spray everyone's legs/feet with red cote, his other leg/foot, and the roosts. Since i went nuts on my coop/birds i have not had more trouble and mine were getting it often. The one in particular, she is a heavy girl. I believe now that it lurks in the wood perches. Spraying everyone protects them and keeps them sterile while you are killing it off
Spray everyone's legs/feet with red cote, his other leg/foot, and the roosts. Since i went nuts on my coop/birds i have not had more trouble and mine were getting it often. The one in particular, she is a heavy girl. I believe now that it lurks in the wood perches. Spraying everyone protects them and keeps them sterile while you are killing it off
Red cote? I never heard of it....I know of BluKote ... more info please.

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