Site update issues


The Token Finn
5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
Kirkkonummi, Finland
My Coop
My Coop
I'm guessing you're already aware of these problems, but since there isn't any notification about the update that I can find, I thought I'd report some issues I've noticed after the update.

-E-mail notifications aren't coming through anymore
-The subscription list isn't being sorted when new updates appear.
-The support contact form isn't working, nothing happens when you click "send".

Some sort of notification on the front page might be a good idea.

Compiling new issues that emerge here:
-No access to site

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I'm guessing you're already aware of these problems, but since there isn't any notification about the update that I can find, I thought I'd report some issues I've noticed after the update.

-E-mail notifications aren't coming through anymore
-The subscription list isn't being sorted when new updates appear.
-The support contact form isn't working, nothing happens when you click "send".

Some sort of notification on the front page might be a good idea.
Hallelujah, I thought I was going insane! Thanks for posting this thread! Yes, there was no email notify about the "website update"...the only way I knew about it was when I tried to visit the site I got a page stating it.

Like you, my inbox was EMPTY this morning....huh? So I went into "My Profile" and when you scroll all the way down there's a section for need to click on 'email me every time there is an update' (or something to that effect). Seems with this update everyone's was set to a default of "only once" .....yikes!

Update: Here's what that section looks like:

Default Subscription Frequency
Daily Digest
Weekly Digest
Site Only
(No Email)
Don't SubscribeAutomatic(?)
Use this frequency without asking me when I create a new subscription
Show a dialog for me to pick from every time
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Daily Digest
Weekly Digest
Site Only
(No Email)
Don't SubscribeAutomatic(?)
Use this frequency without asking me when I create a new subscription
Show a dialog for me to pick from every time

That's not affecting it - the only once means that if there are, say, 5 updates to a thread, you will only be notified of the first one via e-mail. If you uncheck that box, you will get 5 individual e-mails for those updates, so if you have 10 subscribed threads, and in each of them 5 people post something, you will get 50 e-mails, while with the "only once" option, you would just get 10 e-mails.
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I've also stopped getting email notifiers, along with some other minor problems. Please post here if you're having problems with as much detail as possible. I've given @Nifty-Chicken a head's up, so he can let the techie staff know.
It took me a few tries to log in without getting a system error page. Clicking the new posts button also takes several clicks. I'm on my mobile if that makes a difference.
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And then there's the overall sluggishness, but that might be caused by a lot of calls timing out.
I haven't been on BYC enough to notice the other problems, but I've definitely noticed this. BYC isn't loading quickly for me, and sometimes I just end up giving up and leaving because the page hasn't started appearing after five seconds.
I'm guessing you're already aware of these problems, but since there isn't any notification about the update that I can find, I thought I'd report some issues I've noticed after the update.

-E-mail notifications aren't coming through anymore
-The subscription list isn't being sorted when new updates appear.
-The support contact form isn't working, nothing happens when you click "send".

Some sort of notification on the front page might be a good idea.
X2 . Plus slow to load pages .

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